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River that was a creek
      #190 - 30/12/02 12:56 AM

From: redbeard (Original Message) Sent: 8/10/2002 5:16 AM
First day of the trip and should have known it was going to be a trip of trips....(under statement) we stop the truck on this long dirt road leading to where we were going to meet.The truck was attacked by a deer fly convention....This started the catch phrase that was used the whole trip Camper you are a dead man......We unloaded the truck and canoe and observe that the river was not a river but a creek....camper you are a dead man........ankle deep water ....rocks sticking up every where....Off we go and around first bend was the first portage (one of about 25) we drag the canoe over rocks and small rapids...got through ok and next bend beaver dam...camper you are a dead man.... so camper and tom and campers brother is a head of moss and me...by a hour...(we recall the question camper what time do we meet..camper says a.m..we get there 11a.m...) By now i have come up with a song that i sing has we drag and paddle....camper your a dead man doo daa doo daa
chop ya up
fer your bear bait
the doo daa day
Hit you in the head with a fry pan
doo daa dooo daa
put you on a fire
let it be on a spit
all the doo daa day
There are 25 verus's of this ditty
we catch up to camper and have a beer break and tell camper you are a dead man did you not check water level did we not bug you for checking water level.Tom is beat, paddles and drags by him self...and i have to hand it to him..not sure i could do it...this time like last year.
we stop at a place and camper says we set up here for the night...its in the middle of a swamp bugs are biting and we have no water...(before trip camp says don't bring water they have springs....camper has water?)
we ask him how far to water and he says not to far (camper miles) so off we go over beaver dams ....drag drag drag......at one point we had to get out and drag all canoes up more rapids...cutting feet and stone bruise's...and we make it....we set up camp and the girl and i become friends again...we find out tom has talent...he can chew the tops off saintpauli girl bottle's with teeth and we talk about the water has we eat are meals and say have you noticed all thses bugs on the top of the water and no fish rising to get them....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tom has sex with bear
We hear this God allfull sound sounds like some one is puking...I hollar out please puke behind campers tent......then we hear what sounds like pleasure and I was sure he was getting raped by a 800 pd black bear...Has i drift off to sleep i kinda chuckle and think to my self we are going to have a hell of a time trying to explain to toms babe why he left her for male black bear
next morning all is sore...My shoulder is beyond sore and we talk about the falls and fishing camper says 1 1/2 miles by walking (camper miles)....so off we go 5 or 6 miles of paddling and we find the falls water is warm...too too warm for trout.....I am trying to think of how to do the hangmens knot and find a tree....camper find blue berrys and starts to eat them....Moss washes some off for him ...he he he.......and we fish...I catch a trout 3 1/2 inches so i figure it cost's me $5 a inch , and a few 1 inch bull heads. Back to camp we go and say to are selfs were the hell are the fish...we fish all the back pools were trout should be holding up and no fish
Pow wow time we decide enough we canoe and will canoe long lenghts to find fish but we want to get some fish and decide to camp at moss's house and I go fishing in the pool down from camp....got to be some fish in this creek.......Dam camper swims down rapids were i am fishing...death death......later i walk by him and push him in water he see's me and only gets 1 foot wet....dam dam dam
next am cold i can see my breath...is this August or Oct.The only good thing is it rained the night before and rasied the water level up a few inches...we pack up and head back down the river and only have to carry over a couple of logs and bever dams....Beer break...............
Tom has new girl friend
Tom shows up canoe is leaking and he turned over on a log and sure was soaked and we look down and see some thing black on his leg...I tell him he picked up a girl friend and we burn it off (leeche) by this time i am singing an song and was greatfull that the weather has turned cold for we are in the great swamp and bugs are nill , matter of fact whole trip was in a swamp.......we tell camper better have coffee ready next stop...........w pass by 2 old timers and they tell us river- creek has been fished out since spring...we show up and camper melts pine pitch and we make patches on his canoe by pouring it in the cracks....... Dam it works...great idea camper.........back at truck we load up pose for pictures and toss camper fully dressed in creek -river

Next time its Moss's turn to plan trip and the trip really was not that bad...except for no fish....we had fun thinking up ways to do in camper and had a good time being together...tom is a huge guy and if had more hair on his back would look like a 300 pd black bear...I did catch a nice native brown trout next day on stream by Moss's house and tom got 1 also.I stopped in PA on the way home and got a few nice bass3 or 4 pds

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Recommend Delete Message 3 of 17 in Discussion

From: Nitro Sent: 8/10/2002 11:49 PM
That is one wide fast flowing river!

Sounds like you had some fun, even without the fish.

By the way, what is "PA"?

Recommend Delete Message 4 of 17 in Discussion

From: redbeard Sent: 8/11/2002 3:24 AM
next state up from MD and down from New york state....guy with the shorts is Moss

Recommend Delete Message 5 of 17 in Discussion

From: Nitro Sent: 8/12/2002 1:09 AM
OK PA = Pennsylvania

I thought you might have been using the well proven fishermans trick of coming home with fish ie dropping into a shop on the way home! And that PA was a chain store.

Moss is imitating the "Colussus of Rhodes".

Recommend Delete Message 6 of 17 in Discussion

From: redbeard Sent: 8/12/2002 9:59 AM

Recommend Delete Message 7 of 17 in Discussion

From: redbeard Sent: 8/12/2002 10:02 AM
That is me sitting by stars and bars and by red truck mine with my canoe

Recommend Delete Message 8 of 17 in Discussion

From: Bigfive Sent: 8/12/2002 4:17 PM
Hi Redbeard,
Sure is nice pictures,and it sounds like your trip turned out well after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recommend Delete Message 9 of 17 in Discussion

From: Nitro Sent: 8/13/2002 12:25 AM
Like the white socks

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From: redbeard Sent: 8/13/2002 7:36 AM
What else do rednecks wear,should see my redneck summer shoes (flip flops )

Recommend Delete Message 11 of 17 in Discussion

From: Nitro Sent: 8/13/2002 10:33 PM
Sorry RB just teasing.

How many miles did you cover on your trip? One night overnight. How did you get your vehicles down river at the pick up point? That is always a problem I have found when trekking. Its great to set off down a mountain range or whatever, hunting or just walking, but someone has got to take the vehicle to the pickup point. Unless it is a round trip, then you see less country.

Last time I went canoeing was through a duck swamp for a day. Camped on the other side of the River Murray. I had never been on this swamp before and wanted to check out all the waterways, lakes, lagoons, streams etc.

This was in february before the duck season and beautiful warm weather. Shorts and t-shirts (no socks though). Sighted quite a few black duck, grey teal, a mountain duck or two, some wood duck in the forests. Also a musk duck which looked like a "weasel" or rodent tryop creature swimming across a lagoon (musk ducks don't or rarely fly - at the time I didn't know what it was - highly protected).

Talking about fish, European Carp were introduced to the River Murray sometime during colonialisation and became a pest. Highly valued in Europe, here they are a pest and considered a boney fish. Anyway the carp were spawning or whatever and in a metre or two circle were massed in one threshing mass.

Anyone know what they are doing?

There were groups like this many places in the lakes. We improvised a makeshift spear and speared a few but only managed to land one. You really do need some barbs to hold the fish. Of course a stick of dynamite would have landed a few hundred! No loss to these pests which compete with the native fish.

A year or two later the SA Government closed down this duck swamp and made it a National Park.

I think it would be great to canoe your North American mountain waterways. Water is pretty scarce down here.

Recommend Delete Message 12 of 17 in Discussion

From: redbeard Sent: 8/14/2002 2:12 PM
I know that 15 miles first day and about 6 or 7 second which lead to falls.I use my canoe to jump shoot ducks also

Recommend Delete Message 13 of 17 in Discussion

From: Bigfive Sent: 8/14/2002 4:52 PM
Hi there guys,
Your stuff sounds like fun.The closest I got to doing something like that was to white water raft the Zambezi River between Zimbabwe and Zambia.Hell I don't know how far we went down but it took more than an hour to drive all that way back to the VicFalls Bridge where we started from.I geuss it was about 50-60km.Flipped the raft here and there but nothing to bad.Swam with the crocs a bit and stuff like that.The worst part is that there where you get out you must climb out a 750ft verticle gorge.Next time I want to take a nigh ride but they say you must have balls of steel or leave yours at home.But with this river rafting there is no real time to look and explore what is going on at the sides of the river...................................................................

Recommend Delete Message 14 of 17 in Discussion

From: Nitro Sent: 8/14/2002 10:01 PM

What white water rafting company did you use and what time of the year?

Recommend Delete Message 15 of 17 in Discussion

From: Nitro Sent: 8/14/2002 10:03 PM

Since I was a kid I wanted to go canoeing in Alaska. The scenery there is absolutely beautiful, and the hunting isn't bad either.

Recommend Delete Message 16 of 17 in Discussion

From: Bigfive Sent: 8/15/2002 11:34 PM

It was in 1997 September month and it was fantastic!!!!The company was if I remember correctly SafariPar Excellence.


Recommend Delete Message 17 of 17 in Discussion

From: redbeard Sent: 8/16/2002 2:37 PM
last year was right up in mountains and this year in valley in the middle of swamp

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