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"Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper.
      #172295 - 29/11/10 01:30 PM

So far so good.

Zeroed from sitting position at 100 meters with my normal revolver load;

Then took it along while setting coyote snares. This thing is a peach. Very handy and with the "biathlon" rig I hardly know it's there. I only used the one stock bolt and it shot just fine and the single bolt made it easy to fold and extend.

Here it is;

This thing is really handy. No problems with clogging brush like our hunting rifles;

Trailed some snowshoe hares for a couple miles but no dice on rabbit stew;

Drying by the oil stove. I think I'll make a muzzle cap I can shoot thru if necessary.

So far so good. This thing might take the place of my Tokarev on long ski jaunts and certainly will for trapping chores.

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

Edited by CptCurl (29/11/10 10:39 PM)

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #172299 - 29/11/10 02:35 PM

Great idea.
Very practical.
I take it that it can be fired without the butt stock in place if in a hurry ?.


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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: FATBOY404]
      #172303 - 29/11/10 03:21 PM


Yes, it can be shot with stock folded or even removed. I made it long enough that even with the stock removed the gun is longer than minimum required here in the USA so it doesn't need to be registered.

Shoots to point of aim with the stock folded and held as a pistol, too, not that it matters much, as most stuff shot with it will be at bayonet range and the thing really doesn't even need sights.

The deer and elk seasons are over now so we are getting our snares together for coyotes so this thing will spend the winter on my back when checking snares and skiing and such and hopefully it'll introduce a few yotes to the joys of a permanent nap in the bait pile, too.

I'll make a nifty little rubber cap to keep the snow out of the muzzle, too.

Here's the original post;


What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #172304 - 29/11/10 03:24 PM

How do you go with rust in the snow ?.


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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: FATBOY404]
      #172305 - 29/11/10 03:30 PM


How do you go with rust in the snow ?.

Everything gets wet constantly. And snow goes EVERYWHERE in guns, which is a reason I gave up on revolvers for the most part in winter and carry autos when skiing and trapping. Snow gets in and melts, freezes and jams them up good. I have much less trouble with autos than with revolvers in this regard.

Anyway, when we get home we lean the guns pronto by a fan blowing heat off the wood stove. My wife is a saint. There's shootin' irons drying by the fire all the time!

Then we oil them, sometimes..., since the pillow has a bad habit of beating the gun patch.

We do our best, but they don't look new after a while. Summer's dust play havoc with bluing and stock polish, and winter's wet does the rest.

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #172310 - 29/11/10 04:56 PM


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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: Ben]
      #172329 - 29/11/10 10:51 PM

Looks like a very useful rig for the conditions you hunt.

As for a muzzle cover, when hunting elk in Colorado I have always used a small balloon stretched over the muzzle. You can buy a bag of 100 for very little. It's effective and doesn't change point of impact, as far as I could tell.

Here I am in 1992 the day before the season ready to hike in for the night and set up a little spike camp. You can see pink balloons on muzzle of each rifle.




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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: CptCurl]
      #172332 - 29/11/10 11:34 PM

Sorry if I haven't picked this up from the detail but what calibre is your Trapper?

Mine is in 45 Colt and I use it for target shooting/plinking every week here in the UK. I've put several thousand rounds through it. I've shot everything from round ball to a Lee 340 gr bullet for the 45/70 sized to .454". It's astonishingly accurate with almost anything I put through it although it really likes 300 gr slugs at about 900 fps.

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: Oldbrit]
      #172334 - 30/11/10 12:59 AM

Well, here's the little muzzle cover, cobbled together from some tire inner tube;

We use electrician's tape on our hunting rifle muzzles all year, dust in summer, snow in winter, but taping a tube mag 94 is a pain and when used in snow and wet on the double tube gun the tape doesn't always stick. This little gizmo should work ok and naturally can be shot thru if necessary tho I can't imagine it will be.

OB: this tang-safety Trapper is the plain-jane .44 Mag stoked with my revolver load; 18.5 grains 2400 + 240 JHP. This you may remember is the same powder charge Elmer and Bob used in their balloon head .44 specials {of nearly identical capacity} back in the '40's. I get just about 1175-1200 fps in the revolver {6.5 inch Smith 29-9} and it is a pop-gun load in the Trapper. I no longer have a .45 colt but when I did the load I used used the old original Lyman 454109 semi-pointed Army bullet so I steered clear of tube mag guns and the .45 colt. with flat point bullets, I have heard many good things about them in the Trapper. As you say, very accurate.

Winchester really lawyered these guns to death; the original grip safety + added rebounding hammer + added tang safety. Geeez a guy has to do some fairly complex trigonometry just to get the thing to go bang...

Anyway, I like it overall.

We have used this rifle mostly for butcher stock shooting and a very little on the trapline so it rests in the safe and is dragged out mostly only on kill day. But from here on in it's cushy days are over.

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

Edited by CptCurl (30/11/10 09:52 PM)

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #172337 - 30/11/10 02:38 AM

Interesting little rifle and setup.

John aka NitroX

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: NitroX]
      #172352 - 30/11/10 05:48 AM

I use a stip of electrician's tape over the muzzle. It's shootable - makes no difference in POI, perfectly keeps water or snow out of the bore and is replenished in a second from a small roll kept in the pocket or fanny pack.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: DarylS]
      #172371 - 30/11/10 01:32 PM

I even took duct tape to Africa to put over the barrel.I also put it around my barrel and pistol grip so as not to rub too badly in the Toyota's gun racks when traveling.


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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: FATBOY404]
      #172375 - 30/11/10 02:56 PM


It's looking great.
You're a total geek and I love the project!


--Self-Appointed Colonel, DRSS--

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: tinker]
      #172404 - 01/12/10 12:09 AM

Thank you Tinker.

Have the snares made, the snowshoes maintained and a new pair of Madshus skis ready.

We are awash in coyotes and hopefully this little pug will put some to rest in a slashpile bait set SOON.

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: CptCurl]
      #172406 - 01/12/10 12:34 AM

Condoms are more fun and an alternative!

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: Sville]
      #172410 - 01/12/10 12:39 AM


Condoms are more fun and an alternative!

Tinker is about to say;

"Yeah, and you never know who you'll run into in the woods, either!"

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #172420 - 01/12/10 04:29 AM

That's quite a gun, Rod. .44 mag, I assume - what bullet and load?

The rear tang screw is the butt pivot? Cool!''

I had a 16" Trapper in .45 Colt - would like another some time - but 20" in .45 Colt as well- maybe a Marlin.

At .44 mag pressures, (RP brass only & W296) ran cast 300gr. HP's at 1,584fps (2 elk) - same as a .45/90 BP load of 1885.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: DarylS]
      #172427 - 01/12/10 05:11 AM


18.5 gr 2400 + 240 JHP, a light .44 Mag load as I use in my light whippy-barrel M29-9 S&W Heritage. Actually, the exact same load Elmer and Bob Hagel used in their .44 Special balloon head .44 Specials which have just about the same capacity as the .44 Magnum.

Stock screws do not use the tang screw. It remains solid as intended since I needed the extra "stub" length of the stock to meet Federal OAL requirements.

This thing will never look at an elk, just coyotes tugging on a trap. or whatever. No need for a heavy load since even my light one will put a stem and stern hole in a facing yote or 100 pound dog for that matter. I only kept one of these out of 6 in a bear, and that started just askew of the rumphole and ended its trek under the hide on the far side of the opposite shoulder.

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #172461 - 01/12/10 02:28 PM

Frickin Right!!



Condoms are more fun and an alternative!

Tinker is about to say;

"Yeah, and you never know who you'll run into in the woods, either!"

--Self-Appointed Colonel, DRSS--

"It IS a dangerous game, and so named for a reason, and you can't play from the keyboard. " --Some Old Texan...

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: tinker]
      #176735 - 07/03/11 11:46 AM

Well, this thing has turned out to be a great companion. No complaints about form or function...except I hate the tang safety and will drill and tap a small hole behind it and seat a screw to lock the tang safety in the "FIRE" position.

Gotta make a form-fitted scabbard for the saddle-season coming up, too.

Here is #17 and #18 yotes for the '10/'11 season.

Doing my best to save the deer around here...

Range fun too, of course.

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

Edited by CptCurl (04/07/11 09:02 PM)

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #176785 - 08/03/11 08:00 AM

At least a high number of coyotes means the wolves are somewhere else. Of course, the coyotes will be pushed out as the wolves take over, moving concentrations of coyotes around the country. Does it mean the wolves are coming?

I sure like that little .44 of your's Rod, but I don't think I'll do that to my .94.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

Edited by CptCurl (04/07/11 09:03 PM)

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: DarylS]
      #176798 - 08/03/11 01:25 PM

Thanks Daryl..

You are generally right but here we have seen coyotes following or accompanying wolves. Then I read in some of Mech's research that coyotes sometimes learn to scavenge from wolf kills, primarily big game since deer are obiliterated. EVEN tho an occaisional coyote gets whacked by the wolves they follow. Fascinating.

In the areas where I've been snaring I have only seen one wolf track thru the winter.

Up above me, not too far away, wolves abound. Interesting along the lines of what you say here.

That is a very nice Big Bore of yours!!

I simply bought a replacement stock and inletted it to the modern tang and then cut that off. I still have the factory stock also tho I cannot imagine every putting it back on.

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Re: "Paratrooper" 94 is a keeper. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #176847 - 09/03/11 08:43 AM

1st I've heard of coyotes getting along with them. Any time we're out and see little or no coyote sign, we see wolf sign and the opposite, of course.

Can't imagine our bush pups down there being different, but life does go on & we're all constantly evolving.

Dogs and yotes don't normally get along either, but coydogs are a real problem in some areas - about the size of small brush wolves and smarter than coyotes,it seems, about traps and such, but not afraid of visible humans at all.

Since my snowshoeing is limited to our black powder trail, I'll for-go the operation on my .375. It's a 1978 model - top eject. Killed 2 moose with it 80 and 81.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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