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Hunting >> Hunting in the Americas

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Redbeard & Moss
      #145 - 29/12/02 11:26 PM

From: Bigfive (Original Message) Sent: 5/16/2002 4:23 PM
All the US guys chip in and give a few answers please
Do you fellas only hunt in winter or in summer and how does your hunting seasons work?Is certain animals hunted in certain times of the year?What's the penalty for hunting out of season?Is the laws different if you are the land owner?Do you need permits for hunting?Can you hunt in other states that prohibits gun ownership?

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From: redbeard Sent: 5/16/2002 6:44 PM
Ok i will bite
1. we hunt mostly in the winter and fall
2 we have set seasons for diffent things like rabbits starts oct 11 runs till jan 31 in my state also we have Modern firearms deer first week end after thanksgiving runs 2 weeks then we have muzzle loader season which runs 2 weeks.Are bow season starts sept 11 and runs till jan 31 and the only time you can't bow hunt is opening day modern fire arms.In my state we also have a 3 days special 3 day muzzle loader season in oct.A lic for all runs $38.50 for everything. We are allowed to kill 28 deer county by county season by season
3.During the summer we have ground hog season and we can shoot crows all year.
4 We have a ton of public land you can hunt on also have privite land to hunt.I know of no state in this country that prohibits guns.Some citys like washington DC or new york do.If you are willing to pay for out of state hunting lic you can hunt any state.hope this clears up a few things and also plan your trip to visit us

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From: hunt375 Sent: 5/17/2002 1:29 PM
Hello from Montana Our season runs this year from Oct.27 to Dec1 and we can hunt all the big game that you have a tag for. Tags are bought over the counter for deer, elk, and black bear. If you wish to hunt cow elk and doe deer you must put in for a permit which has to be in by the first of June. Moose, Goat, Big horn Sheep and Lion Must be in by the first of May. Our back country season starts the Sept. 1 and runs to Dec.1. The only place you can't hunt here is National Parks and Indian lands. As far as I konw all states have a firearms season We do not have a Muzzleloader season yet but you can hunt with the smoke pole durning the rifle season. Hope this answers some questions

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From: Bigfive Sent: 5/17/2002 4:52 PM
Thanx for the info guys.I misunderstood the gunlaw thing,so it is only in the cities as you mentioned.Thanks again.It is totally different here with us.We hunt 1May to 31Aug but there is certain animals you need and need not permits for.Varminting is all year round and with special permits you can hunt all year round.

The problem to visit you guys is that I must pay R10-00(Rand) to get US$1.
(but i can always talk to the bank manager)

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From: moss Sent: 5/19/2002 11:10 AM
Big Five ...in Ny hunting season opens sept 15 for what is called early bear. on the 27 of sept the bow season opens for any large game. Most small game [ rabbits,upland birds, grey squirrel, ducks & geese, ect.] opens on Oct.1......Big game which is nomally rifle season ( although you may still use a bow or black powder) opens the third saturday in Oct and runs until the first sunday of Dec. Most varmit hunting ( coyotes fox bobcat) opens on the third sat in oct also but runs till the end of march. Small game also goes till the end of March. Duck and geese closes sometime in Nov and is regulated by the federal goverment instead of the individual state gov.
Guns are allowed in every individual state in the U.S. as is hunting. The gun laws vary state to state but not that much. Each state sets its own hunting seasons and limits.
The only weapons that must be registered in the U.S. are fully automatic weapons and in some states pistols.
Things like red squirrel, chipmunks certain birds and ground hogs have no season in N.Y.
Crows in N.Y. are also regulated with a season.

Between hunting and fishing we can go year round in NY.


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From: moss Sent: 5/19/2002 11:16 AM
WOOOPS, If your caught hunting illegle in Ny You can be fined and everything in your possession at the time which pretaine to hunting including your automoble can and will be confinscated. You legel hunting privalege can be revolked for five years, repeat offenders can have theirs revolked forever. ( but I've never heard of the later)


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