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Reged: 19/02/07
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Wolves being Delisted--for the time being at least..
      #131346 - 03/04/09 11:22 PM

Per an email I got from SCI..


Gray Wolf Removal from Endangered Species List Set for May 4th
In a move supported by SCI, today, April 2, 2009, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) published two final rules removing the gray wolves of the Western Great Lakes and the Northern Rocky Mountains from the “endangered” and “threatened” species lists. The rules will go into effect on May 4, 2009. Once the delisting goes into effect, the individual states where wolves will be delisted will manage their own wolf populations. The Western Great Lakes wolf delisting will encompass all of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, the eastern halves of North Dakota and South Dakota, the northern half of Iowa, the northern portions of Illinois and Indiana and the northwestern portion of Ohio. The Northern Rocky Mountain delisting will include the states of Idaho and Montana and parts of Washington, Oregon and Utah. Because of the FWS’s concerns with Wyoming’s wolf management plan, wolves in the state of Wyoming will retain their Endangered Species Act protections.

Anti-hunting and other groups opposed to the delistings have already notified the FWS of their intent to file suit to challenge the actions. Since 2003, Safari Club International has continuously defended the FWS wolf recovery efforts and has supported federal and state science-based management of wolves and other wildlife. SCI is currently examining its potential role in the upcoming litigation.


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Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: Wolves being Delisted--for the time being at least.. [Re: Ripp]
      #131349 - 03/04/09 11:28 PM

Thanks for the update. They must have entered it into the Federal Register. When I spoke to the Attorney General Idaho ast week he didn't know if it had been.

Well, here we go...

We have plans in place to respond to the "inevitable" {??} failure of delisting so we see this as merely the next step.

Anti's; Feel free to take a whack at delisting any time!!

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Reged: 10/08/05
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Re: Wolves being Delisted--for the time being at least.. [Re: 9.3x57]
      #131362 - 04/04/09 02:10 AM

Good news indeed - now less see if the State Governments will do anything to thwart the problems now growing.

We found here that although control officers in the Ministries were gung-ho on wolf control, the Governments oficiating them were reluctant to pursuing their mandates in wolf control due to pressure from the anti's - to the effect of remaining dormant and ignoring these mandates. the first steps have been taken - but there is a long road ahead for them to develope strategies, etc. The main problem is They, the Governments, see the Extremists as having more politial might than those they are supposed to be protecting ie: the ranchers, rural people, etc.


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