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Hunting >> Hunting in Europe

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.400 member

Reged: 24/03/04
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Final boar hunt for season in France
      #126293 - 08/02/09 11:26 PM

I heard from my sister inlaw that today was the last boar hunt for the season in France.
How did it go?

"Dogs always bark at their master"
Sir Seretse Khama.25th June 1949

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.416 member

Reged: 11/01/05
Posts: 2655
Loc: Saverne, Alsace, France
Re: Final boar hunt for season in France [Re: ALAN_MCKENZIE]
      #127313 - 17/02/09 02:00 AM

For me it was the 1st February. For my cousin (distant from 150 km) it'll the 15th March.

The season was the highest in history. We broke the record last year and this year was far better.

On our territory 2006 145 boars, 2007 195, 2008 260.
My neighbours ,in Neuwiller, 2008 240, 2009 360 boars.

In every region of France the boar is striving and causing unbearable depredations. In the past 1000 0000 boars were shot per year, I suppose the count is around 1.3 M this year.

Boar depredations make the headlines of newspaper and we were threatened of Administrative driven hunts. State employees and helpers suddenly land on your area and will shoot any boar, be they piglets or sows. They don't care. They also think nothing about not blood tracking the wounded?

Consequently we decided to shoot all the animals we see, but shooting first the smallest and preferably no sows when dealing with a herd. But any single animal has to be shot, be it a sow, what isn't our rule at all.

We have depleted our stock, no doubt and now we wonder whether the shooting of sows will have worrying consequences? We are so used with plenty of boars that it's hard to consider having less opportunities when hunting.

With regards to our hunting area, I remain optimistic. Our driven hunts were often shambolic. Woodcutters and loggers played havoc and moved the population, resulting in few cornerings of herds during the driven hunts. We also opted for large drives letting plenty of room for the boars to scamper unscathed. All the season we badly lack good hounds. When it's raining or the wind is blowing the boar are likely to flee just 100 m and lay doggo. If no mean hound is handy they'll survive. Some of our guests were real poor shots. On the last driven hunt, I have one guy almost blind and I discovered it at the end of the drive when other hunters told me that he let 23 pigs out, passing barely at 10 m from him???, Another fucker was braying "Attention cochon" (Careful, boar) when pigs were approaching the shooting line, having the pigs double backed.???? Another idiot feeling cold made a fire to heat his hands. the smoke prevented boars from crossing the line?????? Another had only 3 rounds and was hapless in 10 minutes. And many were almost troden on by herds of boars and not capable to shoot any when their job was only to shoot and prevent them from crossing the hunting line?????

Next year, we'll rent outstanding hounds, hunt smaller drives and thoroughly choose the shots and the places where we'll set them.

Good luck

"I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."

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Reged: 07/03/07
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Re: Final boar hunt for season in France [Re: larcher]
      #127316 - 17/02/09 02:18 AM


I'm not blind (although more than a little deaf), have a proper gun and plenty of ammunition, know how to shoot, speak fluent German and a little French, and would love to help you out with your Schwarzwild population problem. I can also blow "Sautod" on my hunting horn.

How do I get an invitation to one of these parties?


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.450 member

Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: Final boar hunt for season in France [Re: xausa]
      #127357 - 17/02/09 01:49 PM

Don't listen to Bill!!

Larcher; ici c'est moi!

Ich speche viele schlechtes Deutsch, mais en peutis peu Francais.

I would be glad to kill your pigs with club, sword, knife, fist or fusil ou la mitrailleuse!

Je pense Ich schieße besser als most and carry plus les munitions, dass ist, Patrone genug!

Rufen Sie mich an, merci!

PS: I used to play baritone horn, mais ne trompette pas. I can still sing!

Forget Bill!!

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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.700 member

Reged: 25/12/02
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Re: Final boar hunt for season in France [Re: larcher]
      #127372 - 17/02/09 05:49 PM


For me it was the 1st February. For my cousin (distant from 150 km) it'll the 15th March.

The season was the highest in history. We broke the record last year and this year was far better.

On our territory 2006 145 boars, 2007 195, 2008 260.
My neighbours ,in Neuwiller, 2008 240, 2009 360 boars.

In every region of France the boar is striving and causing unbearable depredations. In the past 1000 0000 boars were shot per year, I suppose the count is around 1.3 M this year.

JB, well done my friend.

Boar populations seem to be building up all over Europe. Any reason for this? Milder winters?

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
"A Sharp spear needs no polish"

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.416 member

Reged: 11/01/05
Posts: 2655
Loc: Saverne, Alsace, France
Re: Final boar hunt for season in France [Re: NitroX]
      #127413 - 18/02/09 06:37 AM

You guys are too good

It'll be a pleasure to invite You. But we have only 4 weekends per year.
Previously a bit checking to be sure that You shoot straight and that you can see and hear the coming game in order to shoot it and push back in the drive to share the pleasure with others fellow hunters. What advantage could you have if you shoot at a herd still out of the drive? It's plotting the failure of the drive.
Then you have to stand your ground in the evening. You have to eat a lot, ans sustain beer to begin with, then all sorts of wine and my cousin will add "Mirabelle", plum alcohol, that's fantastic. No chance for Coke or

I am also fairly deaf, but when the cover is close to me I am using a hearing enhancer, that helps a lot.

As most (all) of us are speaking German, no problem. Not that many are speaking good English though everybody is supposed to speak English.

If your are tempted?????


How to explain the surge of the boar's population. Honnestly I wonder? Undoubtly the weather in April was very mild when the sows sowed. Most of them had between 6 and 8 lively piglets in tow. But acorns and beech fruits weren't plentiful this year. What's is puzzling is that all over Europe the boar population is striving. I doubt that Spring was that mild in Slovenia or Estonia??? I doubt that they take advantage of Corn fields, as corn fields isn't the rule all over Europe?
Now we have to deal with the anger of the farmers. They are all ganged against the "cereal killers". They do forget that corn is mostly used as a substitute of hay. And they think nothing about selling us corn??? Eventually they get paid by the hunters for the depredations. Add it that most of their incomes originates from the E.C. They don't protest when we call them EC premiums'hunters.
Remain the depredations of pastures, some of them just look like moon's craters on the verge of our forest???

Definitely we have to find what level of population is fair for hunters and farmers.

"I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."

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.400 member

Reged: 24/03/04
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Loc: Western Australia
Re: Final boar hunt for season in France [Re: larcher]
      #128379 - 28/02/09 10:25 PM

My brother lives at Faye,87500 Coussac Bonneval.France.
He tells me he has some of the best hunting and fishing in Europe right on his doorstep.
I hope to visit him in the near future.

"Dogs always bark at their master"
Sir Seretse Khama.25th June 1949

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.224 member

Reged: 04/03/09
Posts: 10
Loc: California
Re: Final boar hunt for season in France [Re: ALAN_MCKENZIE]
      #129820 - 17/03/09 11:34 AM

Well... some French guys over here

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