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Hunting >> Hunting in Europe

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.375 member

Reged: 17/08/07
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Games and fun
      #119686 - 28/11/08 11:03 PM

Hey guys to wake you up - somehow quiet around lately – just back from tracking a boar that was shot last night and hit in the front leg.

We started to track him at 9 am – after a couple of clicks and hours later he finally made a short return trail and a hook to the left and uphill – I knew he was close – after 100m dog lifted the nose so I let the dog loose and games and fun began – at the end I gave him a texas heart shot with 230 gr GSHV that knocked him on the snout – bullet ended in the head somewhere and didn’t exit.

So a cloudy dull morning turned out like an entertaining morning walk - sure better than a day at the office .

A friend on the left hit him with .30/06 TIG bullet high on the front leg the night before.

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.450 member

Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: Games and fun [Re: 93mouse]
      #119691 - 29/11/08 02:08 AM


Great post as usual!

I'm not sure if you can answer this, but I have a question;

Do you have any way of knowing what percentage of game animals shot in your area require followup with your dog {or other tracking dogs}?

I am NOT referring to those animals that might run, for example, 150 meters and are somewhat difficult to find but are found by the hunters alone. I am referring to wounded game that requires the dog.

Here's where I am going. I have been discussing with the Big Game Biologist for the State the use of dogs for followup of wounded game here in Idaho. Right now it is a sort of gray area, legally. I can explain if you like. One of the main criticisms levelled at blood tracking dog use so far has been this: Those against it say that if the State clearly allowed the use of dogs for followup, shooters would take marginal shots and hope that the dog would be able to find the badly hit animal. {I personally believe this is a poor argument here in this State and can explain why, but it is a legitimate argument logically, so I'm curious about your opinions and observations as to what goes on there. Thanks.}

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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.375 member

Reged: 17/08/07
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Loc: Slovenia
Re: Games and fun [Re: 9.3x57]
      #119968 - 01/12/08 07:13 PM

Hey Rod,

Till 2006 I was in the group that monitored tracking of wounded game with dogs on the state level from 1992-2006 and we gathered quite some data for our country. Data was based on 142 trackers with dogs that registered 16935 follow ups in the mentioned period.

Among other things it became evident that app. 20% of all quota of big game animals (roe deer, red deer, boar, mouflon, fallow deer, bear and wolf) that are shot required a tracking dog. This percentage is constant every year and I can easily quote it anytime and stand behind it (applies for our country – and I bet for central Europe as well).

Further monitoring of the examination on presumably missed shots (no findings on the spot and animals pronounced missed by shooters) revealed even more interesting thing, that 15% - 20% of the animals presumably missed was not only hit, but actually retrieved at the end!

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.450 member

Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: Games and fun [Re: 93mouse]
      #119985 - 02/12/08 12:58 AM



I have heard estimates by game dpartment officials here, but not seen any actual study, that somewhere around 1/2 {25%} of game "shot at" is thought to be left in the woods based on the hunter not finding blood, no signs of a hit, etc. My experience talking to hunters confirms such anecdotal evidence.

I am not certain that our game department OR game commissioners would even want to conduct a study. Such a study would have tremendous political implications;

Shooting proficiency, ineptness of fieldcraft, range estimation, damned laziness, poor physical conditioning, anti-hunting opinion, etc all might become involved.

For example, if such a study exposed average hunters shooting poorly...what would they do about it? Nothing!! Would be the demand from hunters.

See how attempting to improve hunting ethics runs into a brick wall?

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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.375 member

Reged: 17/08/07
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Loc: Slovenia
Re: Games and fun [Re: 9.3x57]
      #120070 - 02/12/08 07:42 PM

Rod check here:



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.375 member

Reged: 17/08/07
Posts: 745
Loc: Slovenia
Re: Games and fun [Re: 93mouse]
      #120655 - 08/12/08 07:41 PM

Well looks like this guy has some more stories to tell - when skinned we found another bullet - wound was completely healed (my guess would be 2-3 months ago) - 7mm soft (my guess it is a Sierra BT) was shot from rear - it penetrated the skin but sliped along ribs and ended infront of his shoulder.

Marked green is a 7mm bullet path and where it was found, marked red is my 230gr GSHV "coup de grace"

Left 9,3 GSHV right 7mm Sierra

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.333 member

Reged: 18/01/07
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Loc: Finland
Re: Games and fun [Re: 93mouse]
      #120665 - 09/12/08 12:54 AM

It's not difficult to see why you use 9,3 when tracking wounded animals. Any angle is good angle.

In this season we have to use dog twice when tracking "wounded" moose. First time moose was not wounded. Dog followed moose about 4 kilometres until it shows himselves to hunter who shot this 4x4 bull. Second time we found hairs on shooting place but no blood. Dog followed that moose about 1,5 km until moose was shot down. First shot was only sligt scratch to its stomach but second was perfect lung shot. Two tracking situations and 18 moose.

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