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.224 member

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.375H&H and Woodleigh bullets?
      #118601 - 09/11/08 09:05 PM

Does anybody has experience with 300grs Woodleigh RN bullets out of the .375 h&h ? On which game???

Thanks Klaus

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.450 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Pigeon]
      #118613 - 10/11/08 12:42 AM

Yeah, heaps, on Buffalo.

What do you want to know ?

They open up faster than the PP Bullets but IMHO,
they hit harder than PP bullets because of the broad lead nose.

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.300 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Pigeon]
      #118629 - 10/11/08 09:09 AM

I used that combination on a Water Buffalo in the Northern Territory a couple of years ago. Found the bullet under the skin on the other side, and now he's on the wall.


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.224 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: controlled_feed]
      #118648 - 10/11/08 09:14 PM

Well, I want to have my .375H&H "ready to go for anything"... Does that make sense?

I am looking for a bullet, I could use on DG well and of course trying here on the boars as well. At the moment I use the 300grs Hornady RN bullet, but I am not sure if this one will be the best choice on DG?!


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.450 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Pigeon]
      #118649 - 10/11/08 09:39 PM

Well 300gn Woodleighs will flatten boars and probably exit as well but they will definately be OK for DG.

You also have the option of also loading 300gn Woodligh FMJ's.

Either way, the Woodleigh's will be fine.

I can't comment on the Hornady's as I've never used them
so will leave that up to others.

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.224 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Pigeon]
      #118650 - 10/11/08 09:50 PM

Hi Klaus

Ready to go for anything is a tall order (or better said; "you need to load only the best") so I'd not stay with the Hornadies for that.

Woodleigh have a great reputation but there are some negative comments to be found about them.

I personally think that either a good monolithic such as BarnesX (I don't think the Tripple Shock is essential in the .375H&H) or another bullet which has VERY FEW negative comments is the Swift A-frame(this would be my first choice if price was not an issue)

If you were prepared to have two sepparate loads I'd suggest Nosler Partition for general hunting and the A-frames for DG. You should be able to get them shooting close to each other out to 100m, and that would be very handy.

I've used Nosler Partition last two seasons on Impala, Kudu, Warthog & Blue Wildebeest with predictable success, and the A-frame is that bullet substantially up-graded (A NP on steroids ) I've also used some BarnesX on similar game but not as often yet. I just feel better with a bit of lead in them so personally felt happier with the Noslers.


I hunt because I am human, so hunting is an expression of my humanity.

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.224 member

Reged: 05/11/08
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Stephen_Palos]
      #118655 - 11/11/08 12:52 AM

what kind of negatives are heard from the woodleigh`s?

I use Nosler Partition in my .30-06 and I ma happy, but on DG I would think that they are too soft?!

Well, of course anything will flatten a pig out of such a big bore, thatīs not the task. I would like to be prepared for say bufallo and with that load and amo I could go hunting here pigs and foxes as well ;-)

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.400 member

Reged: 24/03/04
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Pigeon]
      #118659 - 11/11/08 01:20 AM

Personally I wouldnt use barnes to shoot rabbits and neither would a lot of hunters and PH's I know.
I've shot buffalo with both 300 gn round nose solids and soft nose Woodleigh's and would recomend them to any hunter,hunting dangerous game
I have what is left of a barnes bullet retrieved from a large feral pig and all that was left was the copper jacket.
Not what you want for dangerous game.

Remember iff you pay peanuts all you will get is monkey's.

I've also used Woodleigh's in the following calibres:-
303,333J,416,470,500J ,577Ne.
Never ever had a problem with bullet failure.

"Dogs always bark at their master"
Sir Seretse Khama.25th June 1949

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.450 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Pigeon]
      #118661 - 11/11/08 01:30 AM


Well, of course anything will flatten a pig out of such a big bore, thatīs not the task. I would like to be prepared for say bufallo and with that load and amo I could go hunting here pigs and foxes as well ;-)

I only mentioned "flatten boars" as you said in the post
"and of course trying here on the boars as well."

I realise that your first choice was DG.

Edited by 500Nitro (11/11/08 01:31 AM)

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.224 member

Reged: 11/10/08
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: ALAN_MCKENZIE]
      #118662 - 11/11/08 01:48 AM


Please note that I am not specifically anti-Woodleigh. They must be a good product generally so we are comparing at the splitting edge of quality here.(In fact I've got a lot of solids and softs still to develop for my 10.75 x 68)

Point is you are looking for an "everything" load and that is tricky. Clearly you are looking for a soft that needs to perform like a solid. There are many that claim that title but some products just tend to attract less criticism than others, and (in my opinion)the Swift A-frame is one of those.

As an example you can look at this forum which has both pro & anti Woodleigh opinions on it (both sides supported by some solid theory and experienced characters)


Similarly I'm not an overly keen Barnes user, but Alan's comment that "all that was left was the copper jacket" leads me to think he's refering to a jacketed bullet, not an X type. Again, ideally an X should perform like a soft and a solid together-opening up but retaining it's mass for straight line penetration. Their single biggest problem is probably a failure to open sometimes? This could be a problem if you shoot something a bit small and get the shot between the ribs. I am convinced of this from experience with friends who used them in their .308 Wins in the past(hence the introduction of the Tipped Triple Shock) In this class you can considder the GS Custom products as well. Probably more likely to be an "all rounder" than the Barnes is.

If something different is your cuppa-tea then you could also do well with the Stewart Welded Core. Now ther's a "boutique" product from a real, live "old boy" who at 75 says he hasn't shot he's last buff yet. Chech his pedigree here:


In the end it's applied science coupled with your own personal passions. As long as you enjoy it!

I hunt because I am human, so hunting is an expression of my humanity.

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.416 member

Reged: 16/02/04
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Stephen_Palos]
      #118665 - 11/11/08 02:48 AM

You can get a Woodleigh soft going so fast out of a hot-loaded .375 H&H that it expands too quickly.

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.450 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Pigeon]
      #118673 - 11/11/08 05:04 AM


Well, I want to have my .375H&H "ready to go for anything"... Does that make sense?

I am looking for a bullet, I could use on DG well and of course trying here on the boars as well. At the moment I use the 300grs Hornady RN bullet, but I am not sure if this one will be the best choice on DG?!



I have used the 300 Hornady RN Interlock on Af plains game {impala and wildebeest}, whitetail deer and elk here in the USA and on all those it's fine tho I would avoid strongly angled shots on the heavier critters above.

I have also tested it in my media {see that thread} and tho I have no experience with it on DG, I would NOT use it for such. It is a relatively frangible bullet compared to others such as Swifts, etc.

Here are some of the .375 test threads:

.375 First Series + 6.5x55 Rem 140:


.375 Second Series:


350 Grain Woodleigh .375 Test + 6.5x55 140 Nosler:


An interesting project would be to see if the 300 Hornady would shoot to same POI as the Woodleigh, then you'd have a cheap one you could use at the range with no need to change sight setting.

By the way, Robertson recommneds downloading the .375 slightly in his book. That is, to 2350 fps IIRC, for buffalo in specific.

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.400 member

Reged: 24/03/04
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: 9.3x57]
      #118712 - 12/11/08 12:51 AM

Most of the Woodleigh bullets have a recomended MV,but some have got to push them faster than they were designed for and as a result it expands to quickly.
That is NOT the bullets fault.

I use the 300 gn RN softs and solids in my rifle using exactly the same load and they shoot within an inch of each other.
The difference I put down to shooter error.

So Pigeon,give them a try and you might be pleasantly surprised.


"Dogs always bark at their master"
Sir Seretse Khama.25th June 1949

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.375 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: ALAN_MCKENZIE]
      #118733 - 12/11/08 08:17 AM

I have never lost an animal to a Woodleigh. From 8mm t0 .458

The only other bullet I use is the Hornaday V-Max up to the 87 grain 243 for smaller animals that you want to anchor regardless of meat destruction.


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.300 member

Reged: 21/12/03
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Bramble]
      #118790 - 13/11/08 10:27 AM

The bullet you are looking for is probably an X bullet (Barnes X if we are not being subtile), nevermind what some might say. The second best bullet is IMO a Swift A-Frame, but their after sales service sucks, to say the least. Partitions are not much better than std grade bullets, and should not be used on DG. Feel free to differ, but I bet I have seen more bullets in action than most. This of course does not make me the ultimate auhtority, just my opinion. Also, I have seen a lot of hunters to our continent "interpert" results different than I would have, but once again, I see at least 250 trophy big game animals die (and another 1000 plus culling animals) per year, so excuse me if I consider myself as an authority on the subject.

Karl Stumpfe
Ndumo Hunting Safaris (Pty) Ltd.
+264 811 285 416

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.300 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Ndumo]
      #118791 - 13/11/08 10:30 AM

On Woodleighs, the solids are good, the softs are OK for the old Nitro Express cartridges. Better softs available for a .375 H&H, see above.

Karl Stumpfe
Ndumo Hunting Safaris (Pty) Ltd.
+264 811 285 416

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.450 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Ndumo]
      #118792 - 13/11/08 10:32 AM

I also agree that the Swift A Frame is a top bullet,
tough but reliable.

We did a direct comparison of SAF to Woodleigh's into Buffalo neck bones as the SAF was one you could reply on to do the same al the time so it was a good basis to work from.

I have no problem using Woodleighs on DG and if you want
to push them faster, use the PP bullet.

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.333 member

Reged: 13/10/07
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: 500Nitro]
      #118816 - 14/11/08 12:21 AM

I like the 350g Woodleigh PPs in my 375 H&H at 2350 fps. They're rated to 2500 fps, but based on the penetration testing by 9ThreeFifty, I would advise keeping them around 2300 fps. They did very well in the penetration/weight retention testing, and I've heard they do real well on cape buffalo and Brown bears.


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.224 member

Reged: 11/10/08
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: chuck375]
      #118824 - 14/11/08 03:35 AM

It seems from all that is said by the experienced Woodleigh users here that the secret to them being successful is to keep them to their recomended (moderate?) speed. Now I firmly believe that moderate speed IS ALWAYS advisable for deep straight penetration so theres no problem there, but...

the original question was how to create something of an "allrounder" in a 375 H&H and to this end maybe a bit of velocity is an advantage (in case of those longer shots on plainsgame?) so why consider a bullet that specifically is only recomended to work reliably at moderate velocity? This is a compromise.

I think the day they invent the absolute perfect hunting bullet for all conditions will be a sad day because what fun is a world with no such debate, and I enjoy the variety available to "play with" but I still say, for that particular calibre and for that degree of variation in use I'd be sticking with the A-Frame.....

I hunt because I am human, so hunting is an expression of my humanity.

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.450 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Ndumo]
      #118828 - 14/11/08 04:31 AM


The bullet you are looking for is probably an X bullet (Barnes X if we are not being subtile), nevermind what some might say. The second best bullet is IMO a Swift A-Frame


What makes the Swift second best?

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.300 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: 9.3x57]
      #118849 - 14/11/08 03:34 PM


What makes the Swift second best? "

9Three, their piss-poor customer service.

Karl Stumpfe
Ndumo Hunting Safaris (Pty) Ltd.
+264 811 285 416

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.400 member

Reged: 18/08/04
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Ndumo]
      #118852 - 14/11/08 04:48 PM

A combination of Woodleighs and Swift A Frames is my preference with 9.3mm and 375H&H.

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.224 member

Reged: 05/11/08
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: ozhunter]
      #118853 - 14/11/08 07:00 PM

OK guys,

will try them as soon as I can, but will have an open eye for the A-Frames as well...

Thanks Klaus

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.300 member

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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Pigeon]
      #118870 - 15/11/08 02:22 AM


OK guys,

will try them as soon as I can, but will have an open eye for the A-Frames as well...

Thanks Klaus

You might want to give Northfork Bullets a look. They are back in business now. They are good quality but be prepared for a high price.

Northfork Bullets

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.450 member

Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets? [Re: Ndumo]
      #118876 - 15/11/08 04:48 AM



What makes the Swift second best? "

9Three, their piss-poor customer service.

Ek wanordelik...

What does customer service have to do with bullet performance?

Do you buy direct from the maker and they don't ship on-time, or mess up your orders or something like that?

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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