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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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tricks on buffalo hunt
      #112167 - 21/08/08 01:04 AM

I just read an article about a PH guiding in Tanzania.

Usually he uses "spot and walk" trick as the landscape is fairly open.
When unlucky or when the client is impeded, he resort to other tactics.

Scent pushing : he sends blacks upwind of the buffs or the herds to force the buffalos to move downwind toward the hunter.

Calf call : he mimicks the distress cry of a buffalo calf. Most of the time, the herd walks toward the call out of curiosity, and often the males comes the first. A trick also used to have the males leaving the center of the herd to have a better shooting opportunity without risking to maime another buff among the herd.

Umbrella trick : when approach isn't possible due to lack of cover, the PH and the hunter hide behind a large black umbrella and can approach the buffs very close. The PH affirms that for the fun he managed to approach buffs at 2 meters.

Have You heard of or experience this sort of hunting?

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.700 member

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Re: tricks on buffalo hunt [Re: larcher]
      #112172 - 21/08/08 01:36 AM


Umbrella trick : when approach isn't possible due to lack of cover, the PH and the hunter hide behind a large black umbrella and can approach the buffs very close. The PH affirms that for the fun he managed to approach buffs at 2 meters.

Have You heard of or experience this sort of hunting?

Yes I have hunted cape buffalo with a black umbrella. We had to walk about 700 metres in the open towards the buffalo and heavy thick thornbrush on each side of the field prevented us from approaching under cover.

We got to about 70 metres of some cows but the bull was about 170 metres away behind the cows and I declined to shoot at that range.

One walks in single file in a bobbing stop and start motion bent over at the waist behind the opened black umbrella.

Even though I did not shoot a buffalo that morning's hunt it was a magical hunt and I remember the wonder of while we watched the buffalo cows, three kudu walked right past us behind us only 30 metres away. Including a very nice 55 inch bull.

John aka NitroX

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Re: tricks on buffalo hunt [Re: larcher]
      #112173 - 21/08/08 01:36 AM

Sounds pretty cool. We use a trick like that for squirrels too...LOL. I bet those buffalo think the big black umbrella is just another buffalo.

One day at a time...

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Re: tricks on buffalo hunt [Re: bigmaxx]
      #112194 - 21/08/08 09:32 AM

In India, we discovered the umbrella trick by accident in a wildlife sanctuary. It was raining & the guide decided to open his umbrella. We were able to walk withing 25 meters of gaur, wild boar etc. without their knowing that we were humans under the hood!

I have also used it to simulate village water buffalo near large lakes - to get withing 40 meters of a flock of ducks which were otherwise 300 meters away.

Always shoot through the target & not just at it.

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Reged: 19/02/07
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Re: tricks on buffalo hunt [Re: Nakihunter]
      #112197 - 21/08/08 10:59 AM

Actually saw that same trick used by PH Johan Calitz on the show "Under Wild Skies"..they too were able to get within 60 meters of the buffalo for the shot..and ended up taking a very nice buffalo...



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