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Man Dies After Buffalo Attack
      #99283 - 15/03/08 11:30 PM

Namibia: Man Dies After Buffalo Attack

New Era (Windhoek)
27 February 2008
Chrispin Inambao
Katima Mulilo

A fisherman died while being transported to a nearby clinic for treatment following an attack by a buffalo that violently cut short a fishing expedition along the Chobe River in Kabulabula area in the Caprivi Region.

The victim will be buried today.

The victim, Chika Kamwi, and a friend Simasiku Mulenamaswe were carrying some fishing nets they wanted to cast into the Chobe River when a buffalo charged. According to Chrispin Nkonkwena, the Chief Warden for the North-East, the beast charged unseen from a patch of long grass lining the footpath along which the two were walking, trampling on Kamwi. It also gored him while he helplessly screamed for help.

After the attack, his friend Mulenamaswe ran to the nearest village where villagers harnessed oxen to a wooden sleigh to transport the victim to Mbalasinte Clinic for treatment. He, however, succumbed to injuries sustained in the attack on the way to the clinic. The incident occurred last week at around 06h00. Nkonkwena said the environment and tourism office dispatched a team to Kabulabula in the flood-prone Kabbe Constituency, to track down the beast but to no avail. He said postmortem results are expected today.

In a separate incident, Sinambao Victor Sinambao, 23, died when a hippo rammed a canoe that was on a fishing expedition along the Chobe River, tossing a group of panic-stricken fishermen into the crocodile-infested river, resulting in the victim drowning. Though the incident took place more than three weeks ago, Sinambao's body has not yet been recovered despite several search parties involving villagers and environment and tourism officials.

The incident took place in Kabulabula, an area teeming with game. Nkonkwena said the group whose fishing mission was abruptly disrupted by a hippo - an animal that is famed for its ferociousness and kills more people in Africa than other wild animals - did not see the danger lurking underneath the surface of the river.

During the hippo attack, the dugout canoe got smashed to pieces while two other fishermen managed to escape after they safely swam to the other side of the river. Meanwhile, Vincent Mwilima the game warden in charge of the Katima Mulilo office said daily he gets reports of elephants devouring and destroying maize fields particularly at Ngoma, Izimwe, Sikanjabuka, Masida, Malengalenga and Sikaunga.

Mwilima said some of the fields have been stripped bare. Nkonkwena added that incidents involving these pachyderms devouring villagers' crops are unavoidable considering the fact that villagers plough in what he called "wild-life corridors". Nkonkwena said the ministry cannot deploy game wardens in the areas where this problem exists because there are just too many crop fields and this would be impractical.

Mwilima says the problem of elephants entering people's fields is expected to increase around April/May when floodwaters subside and more of these free-roaming beasts would wander into Caprivi in search of greener pasture.

Some of the areas in eastern Caprivi are well vegetated with permanently waterlogged soils.



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.450 member

Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: Man Dies After Buffalo Attack [Re: News]
      #99296 - 16/03/08 12:35 AM

Big bovine critters kill folks in all countries. I wonder if domestic stock kills more people than wild stock? I bet it does in light of the fact that farmers and ranchers work closely with such critters and thus are exposed to attacks quite regularly.

A search of "bull kills farmer", "bull kills rancher" or "horse kills farmer" or some such always brings up lots of news stories from all over the world. I believe, after crab fishing and logging, farming/ranching is the most dangerous job in America. Around here where fellows log, raise stock and crab fish during Spring breakup, life becomes a game of Russian Roulette of sorts. We just lost another young fellow a few weeks ago, killed by a tree.

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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Reged: 19/02/07
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Re: Man Dies After Buffalo Attack [Re: 9.3x57]
      #99304 - 16/03/08 02:20 AM

Farming and ranching are indeed a very hazardous occupation...I grew up on one and it seems every couple of years or less we would lose someone in the community to an accident of sorts...but that is the way of the world..I am actually quite amazed looking back that more have not been killed given the fact that we were actually out on tractors pulling hay cutting equipment or cultivators at 9 and 10 years old...my Dad used to put the grain truck in super low gear and send me down the road with a load of grain --when I got into the yard I would simply turn off the key as I was too small to reach the clutch and brake petals..I am not saying this as a bad thing--all in all, I truly feel it helped me in life...and rather proud of the youth I had..this same "job" also allowed us to walk out our door and shoot anytime we wanted--we were almost 20 miles from the nearest town..we could shoot gophers, rabbits or fox pretty much anytime we wanted...it was a great life...



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Reged: 22/04/07
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Re: Man Dies After Buffalo Attack [Re: Ripp]
      #99307 - 16/03/08 02:40 AM


it was a great life...


That's the truth.

I'm sure there are some somewhere, but I do not know a single farmer who says "I hate my job".

Ditto loggers, except age and injury catches up with most of them and they are forced to change jobs before normal "retirement age". Then they complain about HAVING to leave the woods and become a "Cab Lizard" {truck driver; hauling wood chips and logs around here}.

Not sure what most bush Africans think. I knew some who wanted to stay put with their mealies and cattle, but millions proved with their feet that the city is where they want to be. "Influx control" laws in the old RSA attempted to address that fact of demographics, much to the shagrin of world opinion.

It's funny, though, lots of fellows don't have any real danger in their work at home so they go around looking for it, sometimes paying lots of money to at the very least, for a moment, whether in reality or in fantasy, feel like they are in the middle of something beyond their control and "lived to tell about it".

What are the Rosary, the Cross or the Crucifix other than tools to help maintain the fortress of our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

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.577 member

Reged: 19/02/07
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Loc: Montana, USA
Re: Man Dies After Buffalo Attack [Re: 9.3x57]
      #99312 - 16/03/08 03:04 AM



it was a great life...


That's the truth.

It's funny, though, lots of fellows don't have any real danger in their work at home so they go around looking for it, sometimes paying lots of money to at the very least, for a moment, whether in reality or in fantasy, feel like they are in the middle of something beyond their control and "lived to tell about it".

I think the term is possibly "adrenalin junkies". ..ie; bungee jumping, sky diving, etc..and whether perception or otherwise...always fun to do..IMHO...


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.375 member

Reged: 13/06/07
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Loc: Bowling Green KY U.S.A.
Re: Man Dies After Buffalo Attack [Re: Ripp]
      #103051 - 21/04/08 02:11 PM

Them guys that ride them big ole bulls probably get squashed once in a while!

One day at a time...

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