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Hunting >> Hunting dogs

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Reged: 25/10/06
Posts: 14
Loc: The Adelaide Plains
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      #64894 - 30/10/06 05:01 PM

My family have always kept sight hound hybrids known as Lurchers in the UK(I still do) just wondering if any of members on here keep or know of folk who keep them
In the USA they are usually refered to as "Staghounds" (same in Australia) or Coyote Hounds or "cold bloods".These
and the Aussie type were/are basically a blend of Scotish Deerhound X greyhound with perhaps a splash of herding dog or something else.

In Northern India there is a few types including Banjari Hounds
and Rampuri Hounds. Fascinating and VERY tough hunting dogs.

I have seen one photo of a Boer greyhound or Maritsane (I hope thats the right spelling)

Similar types occur in South America and in Eastern Europe.(Chart Polski etc.) The Spanish version is known as a Galgos
(sadly being ruined by the over use of greyhound blood)

If anyone has any pics (particularly Maritsane or Rampur types) pop them up. I shall get my photo prog sorted and put up some British and Aussie pics.

Point of interest ,Baker ran a couple of "Kangaroo dogs" (Australian Staghounds) in Ceylon and there is a famous pic of Custer seated with Indian trackers and a brace of Coyote Hounds.
J.A. Hunter makes mention of some Kangaroo dogs he accquired from some chap in Kenya (I disremember who)

There are quite a few good books on the type "Lurchers and Longdogs" by E.G.Walsh is probably as good as any and covers India, Australia and the Middle East. "Gazehounds and Coursing" by MH Salmon is a very good American book.

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