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.300 member

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Biggest caliber in Ruger No1
      #6294 - 31/12/03 10:16 AM

I know ,I may have inadvertantly told my wife that I will not be getting any more guns, just upgrading the ones I have but,well she wont notice one more. I havent got a Ruger No1 and was thinking if I got one, it would be the one on 470NE. What is the biggest caliber one can be easily rebarrled to. 577NE????
I didnt want to go to a caliber which would need lots of expensive mods.

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.375 member

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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: cr500]
      #6300 - 31/12/03 11:49 AM

The No.1 can be rebarreled to the 577, but the safety will need to be recessed so the round can clear it. Somewhere I thought I heard someone had actually done a 600 on a No.1. Its my understanding that if you have a 458 Tropical, it can be rebored up to a 500 NE 3".

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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: cr500]
      #6301 - 31/12/03 11:55 AM

I enquired about this myself before getting the .450. Now I am broke so it will be a while.

Easily? From my enquiries, a .450. Re-chamber a .45/70 to .450 No2 NE. OK, a .500 NE is also doable.

Much harder is a .577 NE and I understood not every Ruger No. 1 will do fit it. As there were differences explanined on some board somewhere in the models or years of manufacture. Can't elaborate as I can remember.

The largest I also heard of was .600. Not a NE but a modification.

John aka NitroX

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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: cr500]
      #6304 - 31/12/03 12:25 PM

The #1 in 458 can be re-bored to 470 NE. Some of the older #1s can be re-bored to 500 NE but they are getting scarce. The later issue Rugers have the quarter rib holes drilled too deeply.

The safety is in the way of the bigger NE cartridges. For the 500 NE, I'm simply shaving and melting my own safety and re-installing it in the factory (exterior) position. The 577 does need to have the safety recessed.

SSK Industries did my 500 NE #1 and I am very happy with it. Unfortunately, they do not re-bore anything, only re-barrel. Mine has a 27" Shilen barrel, 1" straight. Cost was about $1200 USD.

Here is their web site: www.sskindustries.com/

Bowen does a lot of #1s and their rep is also very good. They will re-barrel when appropriate. Their web site is:


Holler if I can help and good luck to ya.


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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: NitroX]
      #6313 - 31/12/03 04:07 PM


The 600 you heard about was probably the 600JDJ by J.D. Jones of SSK Industries.

It is the 577NE blown out straight to accept the .62" bullet.

Quite a cartridge for a #1, eh?!


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.300 member

Reged: 11/10/03
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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: Holmes]
      #6317 - 31/12/03 05:47 PM

I would like a NE cartridge so a 45/70 or 458 taken out to 450NE No2 would be easy. I know I would need another barrel to go bigger in bore.I might look into the 577 barrel when finances allow if it sounds like an easy job for a gunsmith ,modifying the safety. Does anyone in Australia rebore barrels to a bigger size?

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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: cr500]
      #6321 - 31/12/03 10:38 PM

Give Bob Devries of Kudu Services in Melbourne a call.

I don't know if he works on No.1s but he is worth talking to.


Yes quite a thumper. What sort of weight do these require? Probably quite a carry.

John aka NitroX

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"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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.224 member

Reged: 16/01/04
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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: cr500]
      #7028 - 16/01/04 11:09 PM

I own a Ruger #1 in .577 NE. I bought a used .375 HH and had it rebarreled. To gain some weight the muzzle diameter is over 1" it also has Magnaport and lead in the stock, but still kicks like a horse.
The savety button would need some alteration to fully eject the brass, but this way it stays in the system and can be taken out by hand.

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.400 member

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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: cr500]
      #7083 - 19/01/04 09:39 AM

The Ruger No1 is a fine, strong, platform for most of the old NE rounds, within reason! The largest you can go without modifying the action it's self, is 500NE! Though the 577NE has been done, it requires opening the action a good bit. Not only the safety, but the actual action body has to be opened up to a great extent, and leaves the chamber walls very thin, unless the threaded area is enlarged as well.

The reference to certain numbers not being suitable to re-bore , and rechamber to the 470NE, or 500NE from the 458 Win Mag No1H, is true, but like evryone else, I can't remember what the cutoff number is, but I think it is on the Bowen web-site! The safety can be altered enough to work in up to the 500NE (the same head size as the 470NE), by simply shortening the front slide area of the safety button.

I want to caution you about re-chambering the 45-70 No1 to any of the NE rounds. I have one that was rechambered to 458 RCBS, and it is about as much as I can stand to shoot in a rifle that weighs under 8 lbs. The 458 RCBS, simply being a lengthened 45-70 to a case length of 2.75" is a good one for this re-chambering, but if you go larger, I would start with the No1H .458 win mag. unless you re-barrel to a heavier barrel!

I for one would like to re-bore, and re-chamber a 30-06 to 9.3X74R, for a scoped rifle, to go with a little S/S double rifle I have in that chambering!

..........Mac >>>===(x)===>
DUGABOY1, and MacD37 founding member of DRSS www.doublerifleshooterssociety.com
"If I die today, I have had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"

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.275 member

Reged: 04/01/03
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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: DUGABOY1]
      #7114 - 19/01/04 06:44 PM

DUGA's right I have a No-1 that started life as a 45-70, it was rechambered to 450 3 1/4" nitro, with the max loads it is just a tad stiff

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.300 member

Reged: 01/12/03
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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: NitroX]
      #7152 - 20/01/04 04:14 PM

Hey Nitro,

In reply to:

Yes quite a thumper. What sort of weight do these require? Probably quite a carry.

When I started talking with JD at SSK a few years ago, it was my intent to build a #1 in 600 JDJ.

Unfortunately, the rifle really cannot be built heavy enough to call it a regular shooter. Recoil is so stiff that the rifle becomes more of a masochistic novelty. It really needs to be as heavy as the old 600 Nitros and this is pretty tough to do with the Ruger.

JD and I argued incessantly over a brake and his recommended CounterCoil stock modification. I don't care for brakes and the CounterCoil is uglier than than Rosie O'Donnell

There is also concern over the small amount of wood joining the buttstock to the receiver in such a heavy calibre. Ruger usually has pretty good wood on the #1s but this is pushing the envelope!

I then decided to go with the 577 NE 3". JD and I continued to argue. He wanted a brake on it at least. After a couple of conversations with the folks at Bowen Classic Arms, I decided to step down to the 500 NE 3". This way I could have my dream rifle without the brake or any ugly stock mods.

I wanted an English-style classic rifle that I could carry and shoot varmints with. A 10.5# 577 or 600 was not going to be feasible for someone wanting to burn 50 or 60 rounds in an afternoon of hare decimation

A 10.5# 500 NE is a wonderful thing.

It's tough being a purist


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.224 member

Reged: 16/01/04
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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: cr500]
      #7506 - 26/01/04 11:07 PM

I also started my discussions with JD at SSK. But he was not able to provide CIP proofing. He explained me, that once during proof firing for european CIP proofing a gun broke.
Then I found a gunsmith here and he was able to make my dream comes true.
He installed a new barrel made out of the best steel "Böhler Super Rasant" which is strong enough for the relativly thin chamberwall where the threat is.
To gain some weight the barrel is nearly cylindrical, has Magnaport and also some lead in the stock. The gun´s weight is about 10 lbs.
He needed to cut some material from the system to slide the cartridge in the chamber. But as the weapon is tested with 30% overpressure it´s save.
Check photos....(The other cartridge is 30-06)


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.224 member

Reged: 12/06/18
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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: Tom_Bigbore]
      #320807 - 20/10/18 11:55 AM

mine is in 404 Jefferies

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Reged: 16/11/05
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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: Chuckvickers8x5742]
      #320810 - 20/10/18 01:23 PM

Mine was a 375 H&H that I had rebarreled to 500 NE 3 1/4" and it's a lot of fun. 50 caliber is cheaper to shoot than 577, and the only machining that was done was opening the loading trough a bit and taking a bit off the top of the block. No safety modifications were needed. It has a Douglas barrel with custom quarter rib with a standing express sight and machined for Talley QD rings.

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.416 member

Reged: 07/12/11
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Re: Biggest caliber in Ruger No1 [Re: 416rigby]
      #320827 - 21/10/18 08:03 AM

If you go to the 500NE 3" then it will be doable & not modify the action, only the safety.
Mine I got a barrel especially long at 30+" as I use it Group 3 & also for BP Express comps in BGR events.
Yes you need as much weight as possible & balance is the key!
Touching off 570gn pills at 2150fps in an 10 1/4lb rifle is memorable! (quite fun really but not more than 10 rounds as I get a bit of a headache after that!)

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