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Regulation loads for double rifles
      #389588 - 12/02/25 11:17 PM

Developing a hand load for an existing hopefully regulated double rifle

How do you do it?

For me it's a combination of developing a load with the right bullet, Achieving a right velocity. And reasonable accuracy with reasonable regulation.

Developing the handliads.

I make up four cartridges with a range of powder weights, one grain increasing in powder weight. For each four cartridges.

At 50 yards or 100 yards, shoot the starting load, from clean harrels, one right barrel, one left barrel. A few seconds gap between shots. So the barrel warmth is consistent. Checking the velocity of each shot. Ideally identify each bullet impact. Gunmaker ranges use a video camera and recording for this. If one has such sophistication. The second two shots can be shot reasonably soon after. Otherwise it might be necessary to mark each two impacts.

Mark the bullet impacts of all four shots.

Clean the barrels. Using another target, shoot the next one grain increment four cartridges. And repeat. Continue as before.

Hopefully find a decent regulation load or loads. Hopefully one or more loads shows acceptable individual barrel accuracy and the two sets of two impacts overall accuracy , and regulation. Ideally two sets of two impacts an inch or so left and right apart and not crossing.

With my 9.3x74R U/O Tikka; I have the top two impacts a half MOA or touching, a inch above similar fired from the lower barrel. Its scoped so much better accuracy is possible. With self regulating barrels and barrel wedges, I can regulate the barrels to my desired handload.

Better would be 2x 3 shots. If ammunition components allow and accumulated recoil tolerance. Say 5x 4 cartridges or 5x 6 cartridges might be testing recoil tolerance for good shooting. Depending on how heavy the recoil is.

Standing rest if possible.

I narrow down the powder charge. Then do the 2x 2 shots or 3 shots, two or three times to double check.

If regulation and accuracy has been achieved, ideally shoot the load; 4 shots, at 50 yards, 100 yards, 150 yards, 200 yards, maybe further.

If the original test loads were not accurate or not acceptable regulation, try a different powder, bullet etc.

I don't have any double rifle so setup, but if it has QD sights, and additional dot points, scopes or other, different loads, bullets, might be able to be setup, using a different sight if it is necessary. Or better of course the original express sights, scope etc work with additional loads.

So far once I've found one load that works, I've just used that.

What do you do? What process or methodology do you use?

John aka NitroX

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Re: Regulation loads for double rifles [Re: NitroX]
      #389596 - 13/02/25 03:35 AM

Before I start loading, I try to find the original load and velocity. I will then try to duplicate that. If using NfB, I use 4198 and will try a few loads, starting at 40% (weight) and loading up to 45%.

For all NfB loads, I use a filler (open cell biodegardable foam) to keep the powder by the primer. I found that gives more uniform velocities.

I will load 4 cartridges for each load. I will shoot 2 cartridges in each barrel I will use 2 targets, one for right and the otyher fopr left barrel.

This allows me to see
1. how accurate each barrel is wu=ith that load and
2. how well the rifle regulates by comparing the two targets.

When I shot at one target, it is easy to confuse which hole is from which barrel.

After 4 shots, I will shoot another gun so as top let the double rifle cool down. Some rifles will lose their regualtion is shot hot. (I generally bring several rifles & pistols to the range)

I like to check velocity to verify my loads are approximately the same velocity as the rifle was built for. The little Garmin makes velocity checking very easy.


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Re: Regulation loads for double rifles [Re: 85lc]
      #389703 - 15/02/25 10:36 PM


I will load 4 cartridges for each load. I will shoot 2 cartridges in each barrel I will use 2 targets, one for right and the otyher fopr left barrel.

This allows me to see
1. how accurate each barrel is with that load and
2. how well the rifle regulates by comparing the two targets.

When I shot at one target, it is easy to confuse which hole is from which barrel.

Thanks for your reply.

Good point. I'd forgotten about using two targets. Simple. Smart. Shoot the right barrel on the right target. Left barrel on the left barrel.

Using clear plastic overlays allow a composite target to be quickly created.

If one wishes to wait for a short period before firing the second two cartridges, one can mark the targets if desired.

I wonder which is better and why?

Test regulation cartridges by:

1. Shooting Right, Left. Reload barrels, repeat. Only a small gap between the two sets of two cartridges. This simulates say shooting a buffalo, multiple shots required. Or eg the BGRC Competition shooting. Two rounds, repeat. Four in total. The regulation effect is first shot from cool barrels. Second shot from a set of barrels with one warm barrel. Next two shots from wArmer barrels.

2. Shoot Right and Left. Let the barrels cool a little . Repeat.

This might be better to determine initial regulation loads. If they work ok. Then try shooting four cartridges as per 1. to see if warmed barrels adversely affect groups/regulation.

Gentlemen, what do you do? Contribute your knowledge, experiences, techniques, please.

John aka NitroX

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Re: Regulation loads for double rifles [Re: NitroX]
      #389704 - 15/02/25 10:38 PM

I'm personally interested in improving technique. But also create useful permanent records on these forums for other members and especially for people new to double rifles.

John aka NitroX

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Re: Regulation loads for double rifles [Re: NitroX]
      #389705 - 15/02/25 11:33 PM

In the book "Shooting the British Double Rifle: A Modern Guide for Load Development and Use" the author outlines techniques for determining procedures in load development on how to decide whether you need to increase or decrease velocity determined by the impact pattern. Do you use Mr. Wright's procedure?
I do like the idea of separate right & left targets and the overlay idea. A short story. I had a friend who sadly has now passed but did hunt a lot and never shot more then one animal with any gun always claiming once you shot something the gun was all used up so time to build a new one. He had a lot. Once built he would start load development. After settling on a load he would then go to the range once a week and shoot the rifle, 3 shots, no matter the conditions, at the same target with a clean overlay target. That way he had a record of the gun and conditions of that day plus a total group of all the shots over the whole year until hunting trip time. A little anal but it was his way. He felt this method prepared him for what ever the weather would bring on that day his rifle had to speak. It worked for him. He had a nice trophy room.

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Re: Regulation loads for double rifles [Re: LRF]
      #389722 - 16/02/25 10:38 AM


I do have Wright's book and read the DGJ articles on reloading and shooting double rifles. Alos read Ross Seyfried's articles in Rifle and other rags. Started shooting double rifles in the early 1990s. I experimented a lot to get my rifles to regulate.

In checking how a rifle regulates, I load both barrels before shooting the right barrel. I believe it is important to have the weight of the loaded cartridge in the left barrel.

Most double rifles that I have shot will shoot differently when the barrels warm up. Also most double rifles shoot differently (for me) depending how they are held and sometimes "misbehave" when shot off the bench.

When I shoot NfB, I use a filler to keep the powder against the primer. I now use an open cell foam popcorn and in the past, had used Pufflon (loose, not compacted). I recently shot my 295 rook using Reloader 5 and noted that if the powder wasn't against the primer, the velocity was much lower than with the powder against the primer.

BTW, even though I have shot double rifles for some 30 years and single shots much longer, I am still learning. I have a 43 Mauser and a 577 Sinder double rifle that I still to find what they like.


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Re: Regulation loads for double rifles [Re: 85lc]
      #389731 - 16/02/25 01:43 PM

851c, the information you are providing is I believe exactly what John was hoping to get by starting this thread.
Like many I started shooting single shots when I returned from Vietnam in 1972. And then more recently my 450 BPE double. Way fun. Thanks for your comments.

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Re: Regulation loads for double rifles [Re: LRF]
      #389786 - 18/02/25 09:03 PM


851c, the information you are providing is I believe exactly what John was hoping to get by starting this thread.
Like many I started shooting single shots when I returned from Vietnam in 1972. And then more recently my 450 BPE double. Way fun. Thanks for your comments.

I'm looking for alternative methodologies, procedures and why. Practical ideas for forums users.

I.must reread Graeme Wright's relevant chapter though.


In checking how a rifle regulates, I load both barrels before shooting the right barrel. I believe it is important to have the weight of the loaded cartridge in the left barrel.

Could well make a difference. That small bit of weight. I suppose depending on overall weight?

I know Heym told mebthey regulate for open sights or reflex dot point or specific scope. The differences can make regulation differences. One only might know if one tries.


Most double rifles that I have shot will shoot differently when the barrels warm up. Also most double rifles shoot differently (for me) depending how they are held and sometimes "misbehave" when shot off the bench.

Yes. Again at Heym, I think a seven second interval between barrels shot was their regulation standard. Different warming of the barrels, different result.

In the field, one isn't so exactly!

Thanks for the reply

John aka NitroX

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