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Hunting >> Hunting in Africa & hunting dangerous game

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When dangerous game charges.
      #387132 - 08/10/24 06:57 AM

Interesting video: https://youtu.be/JetmJXAD8Cc?feature=shared

What are your thoughts?


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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: 85lc]
      #387134 - 08/10/24 08:09 AM

I have no interest in hippo, no-sireeeee.
Those bluff elephant charges were more than quite enough.
I was distressed about the rested shot on that buff being so far off and at such close range.
But then I've seen as bad or worse here in B.C. by some client's shooting with scopes.
Some people just don't shoot well or perhaps don't shoot well under pressure.
I assume those head shots were too low on the elephant.


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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: DarylS]
      #387141 - 08/10/24 06:08 PM

Cape Buffalo, Brown Bear, Elephant, Hippo.

In all these posted videos, I don't understand why the clients are always using shooting sticks? Sure for a hundred yards two hundred yards shot. But why at 10,20,30, even 50 yards?

I've never used shooting sticks on Cape Buffalo, Water Buffalo, Banteng and Scrub bulls. It's got a sizable target area if heart or above heart shooting. A shoulder shot will also drop the beast allowing a good second killing shot. A lung shot alone might be risky,the animal running away and possibly going a long long way especially if using solids.

Nor elephant. My elephant were frontal brain shot. A small "bread loaf" or American football sized target. But shot at very close range.

Putting up those sticks for such animals just adds to the activity, movement and nuisance, Better for plains game shooting.

With that called in bear, how did they know if the sticks were in the right place?

John aka NitroX

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: NitroX]
      #387144 - 09/10/24 02:07 AM


Very good questions about shooting sticks for close up shots. It seems that more guides are using sticks for all shots, not just long shots. For the bear, I assume that the guide knew where the bear was but still, the it seems that the sticks would likely be unnecessary and possibly in the way.

Now on the other side, I believe taht many people cannot shoot well, particularly offhand and perhaps many guides have had too many ckliens blow shots. When I go to the range, it seems taht everyone is only shooting off the bench. Now some are excellent shots using a mechanical rest but I wonder how they would do with a hunting rifle shooting offhand,


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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: DarylS]
      #387151 - 09/10/24 04:07 AM


But then I've seen as bad or worse here in B.C. by some client's shooting, even with scopes.

Some people just don't shoot well or perhaps don't shoot well under the pressure of a high priced hunt. I suspect many over think things and that riles them up, shakes, blurred vision, etc.

Just because a person can afford a hunt, doesn't mean they actually shoot the rifle they are bringing, or any rifles for that matter.

My buddy Keith, still in excellent shape and guiding at 75yrs old, has one of the 2 or 3 leg trigger sticks for his hunters. He said now they hit where they are supposed to.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: 85lc]
      #387165 - 09/10/24 10:37 AM



Very good questions about shooting sticks for close up shots. It seems that more guides are using sticks for all shots, not just long shots. For the bear, I assume that the guide knew where the bear was but still, the it seems that the sticks would likely be unnecessary and possibly in the way.

Now on the other side, I believe taht many people cannot shoot well, particularly offhand and perhaps many guides have had too many ckliens blow shots. When I go to the range, it seems taht everyone is only shooting off the bench. Now some are excellent shots using a mechanical rest but I wonder how they would do with a hunting rifle shooting offhand,

I tend to agree. Sticks are a great accessory. They have pro's and cons. Even if game is close some need them as they cant shoot well unsupported, they may have been running or something that has the heart and breathing rates up. They help stop or reduce a shooters, flinch/trigger jerk or lack of natural alignment effects.

To me that buffalo was too far away, I like them in closer. Well it looked to be quite a bit more than 50mts and very bad shot placement.

All those cases would have had the heart rate.

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: Rule303]
      #387169 - 09/10/24 08:06 PM

I don't see a need to shoot off a bench except for sighting in, checking the sighting in, and load development. Checking the accuracy of new loads or new ammunition.

Practice should never be from a bench. Off hand or field positions. Sure sticks at extended ranges.

John aka NitroX

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: NitroX]
      #387170 - 09/10/24 08:09 PM

On a recent safari, Namibia?, I had a tracker set up sticks at a beast 50 metres or less awsy. I stepped around him and fired off hand. He then after that only moved forward with the stivks when indicated. Longer more difficult shots.

John aka NitroX

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: NitroX]
      #387181 - 10/10/24 06:20 PM

I have shot off sticks at 50yards. The Stopped running so we stopped, sticks went up, thankfully. I was breathing hard and would not of had a stead shot. The PH had said shoot quickly we only have about five seconds. By the time he finished talking the shot was away with about 2 seconds of the five left.
Even with the sticks I was breathing to hard to go for a brain shot so went for a heart shot.
How right or wrong the PH was about the time the Buff would stand still, I don't know. His experience and knowledge of the animal was one of the things I was paying him for.

Another time I did not want the sticks and a different PH was saying use the sticks. The Baboon was only 20 mts away. Did as I was instructed, but did not want to do, and yes I missed. The one leg of the sticks were on deadfall covering a hole just as I fired (as soon as the rifle was on the sticks) the deadfall gave way and the sticks moved. The PH was not happy I missed and I was not happy with him for insisting on it. When I showed him why he apologized. He like another PH I came across just had dealt with too many people who could not shoot without a rest. Told me after that incident that If I wanted the sticks to ask for them.

I agree that too many people go to the range and shoot off the bench and not free hand. I for one need to spend more time free hand shooting.

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: Rule303]
      #387184 - 11/10/24 02:56 AM

Good practice for offhand shooting, is shooting muzzleloaders.
We shoot mostly offhand.
Back in the 70's, the black powder section of the Squamish Rod and Gun club challenged the CF shooters to a contest.
It was held against balloons of about 5 to 6" in diameter. The range was only 25, maybe 30 yards.
The poorest muzzleloader score was higher than the highest center fire shooter.
There was a .222, couple .243's, .30/06, a .308, 7mm mag. and .300 mag., all scoped, of course.
We had 6 black powder shooters.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: Rule303]
      #387186 - 11/10/24 05:12 PM


I have shot off sticks at 50yards. The Stopped running so we stopped, sticks went up, thankfully. I was breathing hard and would not of had a stead shot. The PH had said shoot quickly we only have about five seconds. By the time he finished talking the shot was away with about 2 seconds of the five left.
How right or wrong the PH was about the time the Buff would stand still, I don't know. His experience and knowledge of the animal was one of the things I was paying him for.

Another time I did not want the sticks and a different PH was saying use the sticks. The Baboon was only 20 mts away. Did as I was instructed, but did not want to do, and yes I missed. The one leg of the sticks were on deadfall covering a hole just as I fired (as soon as the rifle was on the sticks) the deadfall gave way and the sticks moved. The PH was not happy I missed and I was not happy with him for insisting on it. When I showed him why he apologized. He like another PH I came across just had dealt with too many people who could not shoot without a rest. Told me after that incident that If I wanted the sticks to ask for them.

In my experience many PHs can immature self important berks. One exclaimed to me"the only thing the client needs to bring was a rifle and ammo". Probably a camera as well. Binoculars aren't requured as the PH has them and tells the client what to shoot. I thought why even that, I'll just sit in camp, the PH can do the shooting .... He can pay as well though.

I've found many of the trackers excellent though. Tremendous skills.

The PH has the legal access, hopefully knowledge of the country. Hopefully can communicate with the trackers, locals. Trophy estimation skills. Many of us could not differentiate between an average and trophy beast. The Outfitter, property owner, can supply a camp, vehicle etc. Dealing with the trophies, administration etc.

Many clients have good hunting skills themselves.

The point is not every client is a Ruark who has never sot a rifle before, nor ever hunted before.

I really get irritated by PHs which nag "shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot" as you're aiming and taking a good well aimed shot. I'm going to tell them to " shut the fuck up" next time it happens. Thecattitude is very disrespectful. Especially when one is not taking much time anyway.

One PH at the midday siesta commented "if you had a Leer jey like one of my clients, it could fly us to the beach and back, in the middle of the day". Sorry I'm not a billionaire ...

Not all bad. Most were good blokes. Everyone is made up of positives and negatives. One can have a whine if one likes.

Karl Stumpfe was one PH I use, he wasn't any of the above btw.

Now I'm eighteen olders since my last safari, I'm sure my fitness, walking ability has deteriorated, One should be in training before hand, permanent training.


That estimation of five seconds, for the beast stopping and continuing running, sounds spot on, even too long.

It all adds to the experience.

John aka NitroX

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: NitroX]
      #387188 - 11/10/24 09:08 PM

What I find intriguing is that PH's bring some clients on follow up of the wounded DG along - expecting a client (some not all) that couldn't hit a game under "normal" circumstances to perform under pressure is a disaster waiting to happen...

Many clients don't train not nearly close enough to the minimum requirements - IMO as Navy SEAL saying goes is 100% spot on:

“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”

Once you have shot enough (and that is a lot) it kicks in when needed.

Now - getting used to be close to the elephants is another thing - but this is usually out of our control so don't bother - it will scare you regardless

P.S. I was aware of my lack of skill when shooting moving/running game - so I have started to shoot sporting clays - competitively (it adds pressure) - I am shooting it for 11 years now and it makes all the difference - every shot now is almost completely subconscius and mostly spot on.

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: 93mouse]
      #387197 - 12/10/24 08:14 AM

Daryl, John, 93mouse, I agree with you

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Re: When dangerous game charges. [Re: Rule303]
      #387204 - 13/10/24 03:10 AM

We only have one moving target on the trail walk. We shoot it with our smoke poles. It's a Canada goose and gets up a good head of steam by the time you see it. The shot must be taken within about 3 seconds. Good sport, but not very difficult. Even the women hit it, those who do some clay bird shooting, that is. It's about a 45 yard shot, broadside. Most hits are in the body as the head is the aiming point, but it does run on a bit of an angle.
Practise is necessary for sure.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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