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Re: DORLEAC Krag Sporter [Re: 9.3x57]
      #382807 - 24/02/24 06:38 AM


why the 8x54 is also named Krag-Jörgensen is beyond of my knowledge. it was a hunting cartridge for rebore swedish Mauser rifles, never see a Krag-Jörgensen for this cartridge

I think it has been more common in Norway where Krag was in military use.


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Re: DORLEAC Krag Sporter [Re: Igorrock]
      #382808 - 24/02/24 07:12 AM

I have seen some swedish made rifles for sale chambered for the 8x54 over the years, not many but here and there. maybe sporters made from original military rifles by smaller firms in sweden but it looks like the idea not realy catch like the the other 6,5 mauser base cartridge - the 7x54Lapua, it was only a niche.
all sources say the the 8x54 was developt before 1914. could be it was a trial to rechamber the norwegian krag rifles

only rifle I find for sale now https://www.naturabuy.fr/Carabine-Carl-Gustaf-1896-8x54-Krag-Categorie-D-item-11482034.html

this looks like an old miliary rifle sporterized

all I have seen were similar, simple, cheap working rifles for the few weeks elk hunting season in autumn.
here is another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAbTBosgTOE

he mention an LCN company but I can't see a mark on this rifle.

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Re: DORLEAC Krag Sporter [Re: lancaster]
      #382809 - 24/02/24 07:44 AM

this question starts to trigger me, from swedish forum on gunboards

"The 8x54 Krag conversions are an interesting subject in Swedish firearms history. I’ve included photos of my 8x54 K conversion and a page from the 1939 Vapen-Depoten catalog that describes the specifications for the conversions they would do on customer’s rifles. Below is my translation of parts of the page. I’ve included the M-30 B description of specifications because my rifle matches the various things that were done to the rifle. If I’ve mis-translated any of it, I hope one of our Swedish friends will correct it.

“Conversion of 6.5 mm. mauser rifle, mod. 96, to legal hunting rifle according to the new hunting law of June 3, 1938. A county authority permit is required for conversion.”

“M-30 B. Conversion to a finer repeating sporting rifle. The barrel is shortened {cut} to 66 cm. (other lengths on request), stock is cut, altered to a halfstock and polished, forearm grooves are removed . Military sights are removed and new hunting sights are fitted consisting of a 2 folding leaf sight and new silver bead front sight on a long base. Rifle is regulated at 120 and 200 m.{meters} The barrel is oxidized blued. The bolt handle is bent down and a new sling swivel is fitted to the barrel. “

"Perhaps the Swedish members can tell us about the 1938 hunting law that allowed this conversion. This date seems to indicate that Swedish use of the 8x54 Krag cartridge came quite a bit later than Norwegian development and use which I believe dates to around 1920, if I’ve read Hanevik correctly.
This is a scan from a 1935 Vapen Depoten catalog.


so it looks again like the 8x54 was an original norwegian conversion for the krag -jörgensen from 6,5 to 8 mm.
but the cartridge was seeing real use later in the 1930s/40s for mauser sporter.

Vapen Depot Falun was a swedish mail order hunting outfitter. I have only some pages of an 1970 catalog that gives you an idea about it.

this rifle have still the original military rear site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10kHZWUXMUE
whatever the customer wish and was willing to pay for.

Norwegian hunter misses moose, shoots man on toilet
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Re: DORLEAC Krag Sporter [Re: NitroX]
      #382816 - 24/02/24 11:18 AM

Like Muhamad Ali said: It ain't bragging when you can back it up. Well done.

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Reged: 20/12/03
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Re: DORLEAC Krag Sporter [Re: DORLEAC]
      #389568 - 12/02/25 01:44 AM

Got in late to this thread, but very nice work!


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