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Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia?
      #239035 - 10/12/13 12:30 AM

Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia?

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
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Re: Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia? [Re: NitroX]
      #239049 - 10/12/13 03:35 AM

I expect there are, John, but probably hush - hush on identities.


"a gun without hammers is like a Spaniel without ears" King George V

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Re: Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia? [Re: DarylS]
      #239695 - 23/12/13 06:35 AM

I wonder if Renaud Desgree du Lou has hunted in Cambodia. I ask him right now.

"I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."

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Re: Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia? [Re: larcher]
      #239703 - 23/12/13 09:38 AM

Steve Lee may have some info or contacts.

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Re: Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia? [Re: larcher]
      #239743 - 25/12/13 03:24 AM

Renaud Desgree du Lou's answer :

Bonsoir Jean Bernard,
non je n’ai pas chassé en Thaïlande car le pays est le plus « déforesté » de la région et le moins intéressant sur le plan cynégétique

J’ai chassé au Vietnam et au Cambodge dans les années 90. Nous y avions monté différents campements (dans la tradition locale en bambou).
Le Vietnam est un pays sur-peuplé qui plus est, subissait à l’époque un mouvement des gens du Nord pour développer des plantations de café au Sud (Le Vietnam est aujourd’hui le deuxième producteur de café au monde). J’ai donc assisté à la déforestation des dernières belles zones de forêt primaires. Il restait quelques Gaurs. J’ai subit une charge mémorable en butant sur un grand mâle solitaire sur lequel j’ai buté en le pistant, n’ayant pas de pisteurs locaux suffisamment efficace pour nous guider. Il restait quelques cerfs sambars et des muntjacs. Et en altitude, il y avait encore des serows. Mais partout la faune était très « spooky » et en faible densité. Sauf les sangsues qui elles étaient très abondantes.
Tout est compliqué dans cette partie du monde notamment sur le plan bureaucratique. A cela il faut ajouter l’absence de pisteurs ayant une culture de la chasse au pistage.
Le Cambodge est potentiellement formidable compte tenu de la faible densité humaine. Mais il n’y a pas de réelle volonté politique d’ouvrir le pays à la chasse compte-tenu de l’argent apporté par les organisations de protection de la Nature « écolos ».
Le Laos pourrait être intéressant mais le gouvernement n’est pas prêt de laisser des chasseurs étrangers se promener des armes à la main dans les régions sauvages du pays. Et je doute que la chasse n’y soit très facile. Car la chasse dans ces forêts primaires d’Asie du Sud-Est reviendrait à chasser le bongo en montagne sans chien, ni les excellents pisteurs pygmées !
Enfin, il faut savoir que toutes les espèces intéressantes à chasser sont en annexe 1 de la Cites et comme il n’y a pas une réelle volonté politique d’ouvrir la Chasse, il sera encore plus difficile d’obtenir les permis d’exportation (puis d’importation) des trophées.
Tu peux reprendre ces termes sur ce site dans ton meilleur anglais.
amitiés et bon Noel.


Good evening Jean Bernard ,

My question : Have You ever hunted in Thailand?

No I have not hunted in Thailand because the country is the most" deforested " of the region and the least interesting huntingwise.

I hunted in Vietnam and Cambodia in the 90s . We had set various camps ( in local bamboo tradition ) .
Vietnam is an over- populated country in addition, at the time undergoing a pressure of northerners to develop coffee plantations in the South ( Vietnam is now the second largest coffee producer in the world). So I have been attending the recent deforestation of beautiful areas of primary forest. There were a few Gaurs . I suffered a memorable charge of a large solitary male that I stumbled upon when tracking him, not having effective local trackers to guide us. There were a few sambar deers and muntjacs . In higher altitude , there was still serows . But all the wildlife was very " spooky " and in low density. Butt leeches were aplenty.
Everything is complicated in this part of the world including the bureaucratic problems. To this must be added the lack of trackers with a culture of hunting tracking.
Cambodia is potentially great considering the low population density. But there is no real political will to open the country to hunt because of the big money provided and pocketed by organizations for the protection of Nature "Greenies" .
Laos could be interesting, but the government is not ready to let foreign hunters wander with weapons in the wild of the country. And I doubt that hunting could be easy . In fact hunting in the primary forests of Southeast Asia East would be as hunting mountain bongo without dogs or excellent pigmy trackers !
Finally, you should know that all the interesting hunting species are listed in Appendix 1 of the CITES and as there is no real political will to open the Chase , it will be even more tough to obtain export permits ( and import ) trophies .
You can convey these words on the site in your best English.
friendships and merry Christmas.

"I don't want to create an encyclopedic atmosphere here when we might be having a beer instead" P H Capstick in "Safari the last adventure."

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Re: Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia? [Re: larcher]
      #239754 - 25/12/13 09:32 AM

Might I suggest that Cambodia has an extreme problem with UXO. (as does Eritrea)

Not for this little black duck...

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Re: Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia? [Re: larcher]
      #239756 - 25/12/13 02:18 PM

Thank you Jean Bernard, that was very good of you & Renaud !

One of my hunters was hunting in Laos in the last couple of years, hard hunting & you cant get the trophies home .

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Re: Interested in hearing if anyone here has hunted in Cambodia? [Re: Sarg]
      #239772 - 26/12/13 06:08 AM

In the early 90's I had a military friend who hunted with their local military personnel - He was in a tree stand almost 40' in the air. The particular species they were hunting is controversial. He never fired a shot but had some excitement. I have heard that it is now almost impossible.

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