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FAQs: Hunting in National Parks
      #212989 - 18/07/12 11:49 PM

FAQs: Hunting in National Parks

Posted on 5 July 2012 by Content Manager

Many shooters are asking the Shooters and Fishers Party about Conservation Hunting in National Parks, especially after the activities of the Greens, the National Parks Association and others that have sown incorrect information.

So to clarify things, here are the answers to the major concerns:

Is it true that rangers will refuse to help hunters?

Rangers will be cross authorised with Game Council game managers. They will all cooperate in the end. The bill is now law, it was proclaimed on 27 June 2012 and will take effect on 27 December 2012. This intervening six-month period is to allow for survey work, training, systems updates etc to be sorted so parks and reserves will be rolled out. Basically, what rangers want to do or not won’t affect hunters. The system will be run exactly as the Game Council currently runs hunting in State Forests.

Will parks really be closed to other users while hunters hunt, and will NPWS staff have to supervise them, or will it be like in state forests?

It will be as it is in State Forests. National Parks will not be closed and there will be no close supervision by NP staff.

Is anything being done about NPWS staff in uniform joining protests?

We will be writing to the relevant minister, Robyn Parker, and asking questions in the house as soon as Parliament resumes in August.

How long till more details are officially revealed about how the whole process will operate?

That will be up to the Game Council.


John aka NitroX

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Re: FAQs: Hunting in National Parks [Re: NitroX]
      #213283 - 23/07/12 05:22 AM

Interesting side bar to this item.

From the greenies.. Amazing the spin they put on this.


''Horror trial'' … the mysterious pamphlet.

Animal welfare groups say hunters are behind a mysterious campaign to stop the poisoning of feral deer and goats in national parks - because it will only reduce the number of animals they can shoot.

Groups including the RSPCA believe interests connected to the state-funded Game Council issued a pamphlet calling the government's ''horror trial'' of cyanide poisoning a ''welfare disaster'' for deer.

But, far from caring about the feral animals, the hunters want to preserve as many live targets as possible now that national parks will be opened to shooters, the groups claim.

The Game Council has denied any knowledge of the pamphlet's origins.

No group has put its name to the flyer, which shows a poisoned deer dead on the ground. But Animals Australia said it was ''reprehensible'' that a quote, taken out of context from a section of its website unrelated to deer, had been used in the leaflet.

In a letter to the Environment Minister, Robyn Parker, on July 2, Animals Australia's executive director, Glenys Oogjes, said: ''Our own views could not be further apart from those of this group of pro-hunting organisations. This attempt at alignment with Animals Australia is merely a reprehensible attempt to suggest their own recreation hunting methods are humane. Please disregard this reference to Animals Australia.''

Seventy-nine national parks have been opened to hunters in a deal between the O'Farrell government and the balance-of-power Shooters and Fishers Party. But the pamphlet urges people to write to Ms Parker to stop the cyanide trial, begun by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service after extensive scientific research into humane and cost-effective control of feral animals. The research is endorsed by the Animal Ethics Committee whose members include the RSPCA.

The pamphlet states: ''NPWS cruelty will destroy [deer] mothers leaving many grieving offspring behind to a slow and painful death. The welfare of deer do not matter to the political interests of the extreme Green lobby. NPWS is responsible for the welfare of these sentient animals which will suffer horrendous deaths.''

An RSPCA spokesman said: ''The pamphlet is a deliberate attempt to bolster support for recreational hunting of deer. Hunters are opposed to all other deer management methods as they regard deer as a game species. Unfortunately this ignores the environmental impacts of deer and the need to develop humane target-specific methods to control deer.''

A Game Council spokesman said: "Game Council has no knowledge of, or connection with, this flyer. The council provides game hunting licences which enables conservation hunting to take place in removing game and feral animals from public land. It is not Game Council's role to comment on the effectiveness of other control methods for game and feral animals."

The Greens environment spokeswoman, Cate Faerhmann, said it was clear Ms Parker and the Premier, Barry O'Farrell, were under pressure from hunters for more concessions.

''If the Game Council and its political arm, the Shooters Party, get their way, deer populations will spread, putting delicate ecosystems at further risk … Animal welfare groups know that the trial is an attempt to find a more humane solution to pest deer.''

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/conser...l#ixzz21NgE71dU

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Re: FAQs: Hunting in National Parks [Re: AkMike]
      #213284 - 23/07/12 06:04 AM

We in Victoria have had deer hunting open in selected national parks for 30 years Wonnangatta/Moroka Parks were the first.

Feral animals are being culled in parks north west vic too...mainly goats.

No matter what the fugn greens say we hunters are an incredibly useful tool in reducing numbers of animals.

Get off the chair away from the desk and get out in the bush and enjoy life.

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Re: FAQs: Hunting in National Parks [Re: gryphon]
      #213307 - 23/07/12 09:30 PM

Good reminder Gryph.

I had a relative asked with a worrying expression about hunting in National Parks in NSW and if it would be dangerous ... if the parks would be closed to others at the time etc.

Said some basic things.

I forgot to tell him that it had been happening for decades in Victoria ...

He is from a shooting family and should have enough of an idea himself not to believe the greenie propaganda being put out.

John aka NitroX

Govt get out of our lives NOW!
"I love the smell of cordite in the morning."
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Re: FAQs: Hunting in National Parks [Re: NitroX]
      #213355 - 24/07/12 07:27 AM

Yes the danger is from what? A dingo attack is a hiigher probability than a hunting accident...all those years of Nat Park hunting by deer hunters alongside the campers ,trekkers and fisherman...one death and that was caused by a 17 yr old youth that shot his hunting partner by mistake and another by a hunter that shot himself by accident in crossing a river.

No general public have been harmed in any way and the hunting continues!

Get off the chair away from the desk and get out in the bush and enjoy life.

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