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Double Rifles, Single Shots & Combinations >> Double Rifles

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.416 member

Reged: 05/01/03
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Loc: Pend Oreille Valley, Idaho
      #14844 - 16/05/04 10:07 AM

I know this is the wrong forum but I need a quick answer. I was at a local Gunshow today and say two shotguns.

One is a Greener 20 gauge, fully engraved with refinished stock and original 75% Blacking. Ejector. It has a tang safety instead of a side safety. Asking $2200.00

Two is a Dickson 28 gauge, Case Coloured with nice wood, Round PG. Ejectors. Not a round action but very nice and weighs around 4-5 pounds. Original case. $4800.

Questions. Is the tang safety rare on Greeners or is it a cheaper model? What about the action on the Dickson.

The fellow lives a few hundred miles from here and if I don't make up my mind tonight he will be gone.

Lovu Zdar

A Man of Pleasure, Enterprise, Wit and Spirit Rare Books, Big Game Hunting, English Rifles, Fishing, Explosives, Chauvinism, Insensitivity, Public Drunkenness and Sloth, Champion of Lost and Unpopular Causes.

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Reged: 23/02/04
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Loc: Melbourne, Australia
Re: Help. [Re: mickey]
      #14847 - 16/05/04 12:08 PM


A Greener without a "Greener Side Safe"! Rare as Rocking Horse droppings I would say! Is it an early standard A&D gun? Greener made quite a few under licence to Westley Richards between 1877 and 1880, paying a 15 shilling royalty for the priviledge - maybe it's one of those? Later on, they certainly "made" lower cost guns on the A&D action, and these were designated "D". But anything's possible - I recently saw a pair of Holland and Holland sidelocks with "side safes" on the lockplates!

The grade markings would indicate what Greener reckoned it was worth at the time of manufacture. Too complex a topic to go into right now, but it might have a "List Number" denoting sale price, or a "DXX" number that aslo indicated price; in both cases price was in Guineas, and quality can be judged by what the prevailing price structure was at the time.

Dickson didn't just make up guns on the Round Action; he made Sidelocks on Webley and Scott actions, and also A&D boxlock actions. A friend of mine has a 12 bore made up on the latter. But, I don't think they are worth any more than boxlocks by other less vaunted makers.

IMO, the 28 bore chambering would make this the attraction?

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