14/09/15 06:44 AM
Brno ZH 204 combo gun barrel fitting help needed.

As part of a trade deal I recently obtained a very good condition Brno ZH 204 combo gun in 12G X 7x57R made in 1969. This is the same gun as the 304 but without the crudely etched "engraving" on the receiver. It came with a spare set of 12 gauge barrels. They are marked ZH 101, made in 1960. The spare barrels fit nearly perfectly but the action does not quite close by a millimeter or so (see photos).

My question is: does anyone have any experience fitting these spare shotgun barrel sets and if so what relieving needs to be done? There are various interior bearing surfaces and I'm wondering where a I may need to relieve a surface or two, proceeding slowly until a perfect fit is obtained.

Photos 1-8

1. Gun and spare set of barrels
2. Receiver, combo set and on the right, the spare 12 G. set
3. Spare barrel set on left
4. Interior of receiver
5. Spare shotgun barrels on left
6. With shotgun barrels fitted
7. With combo barrels fitted (flush)

(.300 member)
14/09/15 03:18 PM
Re: Brno ZH 204 combo gun barrel fitting help needed.

I have three sets of barrels of different manufacture dates that all fit my action straight from the factory. The smallest piece of trash or unburnt powder in the wrong place will prevent the action closing correctly. I would check all mating surfaces of the action and barrel to see if there is any foreign material on them. Since both of your barrels sets have been installed in an action numerous times (based on wear marks) I would check the edges and corners of mating surfaces for preening that might prevent closing. Sometimes it is difficult to get the plunger on the left side of the barrels into the proper place and impatience leads to gnashing about of metal edges on barrels and action. One of your barrel sets(right side in third photo above) has a spot bright spot where it looks like it is being burnished by contact with the action. If that is the barrel set that closes then I would smoke that area on the second set and see if premature contact at that location is the source of your problem.

(.224 member)
07/10/15 09:00 AM
Re: Brno ZH 204 combo gun barrel fitting help needed.

In the 1970's I bought a Brno ZH shotgun from the Australian distributor. Latter on I purchased the 7x57r and 22HP barrels. I was advised that CAREFUL fitting of the would be required. With a bit of care using jewellers files problem solved.
It may be of interest that at one time set triggers were available as a separate item. They work a treat in overcoming the horrible factory fitted triggers.
All rifle barrels are extremely accurate and fitted with scopes. They are ugly as hell but practical and hard wearing

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