(.224 member)
17/02/19 05:57 AM
New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

I have started a new group on Facebook for Mannlicher-Shoenauer Collector and Shooter Group. I was surprised there was not a group so started one. It is a closed group so nobody can see who is in the group unless you are a member. Please join in and share!

Mannlicher-Schoenauer Collector and Shooter Group

(.400 member)
17/02/19 06:44 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

Have you noticed this ?:

(.400 member)
17/02/19 06:42 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


I have started a new group on Facebook for Mannlicher-Shoenauer Collector and Shooter Group.

Is there a way to periodically copy the content to this 'site for those of us who aren't Facebookers?

(.224 member)
18/02/19 04:39 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


Have you noticed this ?:

It never came up in my search on FB. Probably because of the spelling of Mannlicher Schoenauer. Good to know!

(.224 member)
18/02/19 04:55 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group



I have started a new group on Facebook for Mannlicher-Shoenauer Collector and Shooter Group.

Is there a way to periodically copy the content to this 'site for those of us who aren't Facebookers?

Not sure if it is possible given it is a closed group to keep members private. Links can be posted here, but if you are not a member, I'm not sure it will show what's in the FB page.

(.700 member)
18/02/19 05:03 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

I get: You must be Logged in to Continue

oh well, THAT's not going to happen

(.224 member)
18/02/19 05:17 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


I get: You must be Logged in to Continue

oh well, THAT's not going to happen

Sorry about that. Figured if a third of the world's population is on FB, it would be a good addition to the hobby.

(.400 member)
18/02/19 07:00 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

Great to see that you are starting up a MS group, takes a bit of work to do. I am not sure however that Facebook is the ideal medium as most MS owners are not the type to use Facebook. I for one will have nothing to do with that medium but am a lover and collector of Mannlicher and Mannlicher Schoenauer rifles and accessories, paraphernalia etc. and would happily be part of a MS group.
Still, I hope it works out for you.


(.375 member)
18/02/19 10:31 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

love the concept..........but no FB for me Im afraid

(.224 member)
19/02/19 03:51 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

FB is not something that I will do. I do enjoy collecting Mannlichers but enough to put my personal info up for sale by those folks. I do wish you the best though and hope that you will contribute here as well.

(.700 member)
19/02/19 10:13 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

ANOTHER bloody facebook firearms group ...

Facebook posts are "Gee Whiz", "Oh Wow", "Look at the pretty picture" 5 second content, then forget and go onto the next pretty sparkling picture to look at. Plus tits and arse shooting girls advertising something the gun or gun products companies are pushing.

Facebook, the 5 second crack cocaine attention span sets of websites.

But I have made a big mistake. On facebook and google, I used an email address trackable to me as a real person. With my real name.

Increasing facebook, google and who knows, sells this information to companies advertising and also complete spammers, scammers and crooks. They can identify you and your location, your address, your photo images, your mobile/cell telephone numbers and track you. You start to get get scammer emails where obviously personable information has been purchased or acquired.

Ha ha not a proiblem with All the cookie does for this forum is allow you to login in again easier, and also allows the admin to see who is logged in, whether they choose to be a hidden log in or a public login. Nothing else. And no idea of what else to do with it anyway. NE's interest is not scamming, spamming and also poaching, NE's interest is guns, shooting, and hunting. No nephew of Rothschild (ie Zuckerberg) owns anything at NE.

If using facebook stay anonymous. Use an alias, don't make too many public posts. Don't give your actual cell/mobile number to them. On google as well.

These problems with these UN-social media sites will just get worse.

BTW 5 posts and this guy is already posting to try to poach traffic from ....

PS Yes NE does have a page on facebook, not regularly maintained at preseent, and I do have a personal page. Because many people prefer short attention span stuff, and can't cipe with a forum where there are decent discussions of more than five words, a sentence or a paragraph, with a pretty picture, before their brain looses interest and goes elsewhere. On NE we have discussions and threads that can last for months and years, a post of three days ago is not "old and lost".

The other reason I mainly use facebook now is for politics. Pro gun politics but also to find out what the faggy left wing marxist BS politics are up to. To keep up to date with what is happening around the world. And hopefully counter in a small way in the good fight against the antis and leftists, and cultural marxists dug in now so deep in our Western societies.

(.400 member)
19/02/19 10:22 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

Facebook is completely useless to me, just spam! The organisations borders on organised crime. I don't care about any such "closed groups".

(.700 member)
19/02/19 10:30 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


BTW anyone who has NOT been BANNED on facebook either is:

1. Not and never has been a member; or

2. Is a fagggy pedo homo lesbo marxist girly-boy greenie POS who toes the political correct line of cultural marxism. Zuckerberg is a leading light of cultural marxism with facebook having a preference for hiring queers.

I have been banned on it three times, maybe four times.

I have used some of the language above, any single one of those words above would get you up to 21 days banned on facebook. Even mild mannered friends have been banned on faecesbook.

Facebook's standard allow female hunters to be threatened with death threats, allow female hunters to be bullied and attacked. Allow intellectual property and copyright eg to photos to be routinely stolen and misused.

But called something "homo" or "lesbo" instead of some enforced "!984" "Newspeak" policitcal correct and cultural marxist insync language and you get banned very quickly.

As a contrast NE encourages free speech, non politically correct discussions, but as long as it is polite, no childish name calling and avoid childish insults. But preferably does not get me too likely to get in sec 18c trouble and behind bars in Aussieland as well. (ie racist discussions, promotion, incitement etc. Also includes "hurt feelings" but we normally ignore that bit).

(.700 member)
19/02/19 11:07 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

Sorry for aother post. But you know how insidious facebook and google are, when your and your friends facebook profile images automatically end up on your mobile/cell phone contacts listing.

Also when you visit some website and sometimes not very reputable websites, and they display your facebook profile image, email address etc on the "comments" section.

But you have never logged into their site or visited it before ... and never accepted a cookie from that site. ...

Or when such a site can display your current whereabouts/location, and also your mobile/cell phone number ...

Big Brother and Big Zuckerberg and all his chronies, con men, spammers and scammers are all watching you.

(.224 member)
20/02/19 06:25 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

John: This must have taken you hours to think up and write all of this garbage. Rather insulting and a bit over the top. Sorry my simple post to Mannlicher-Schoenauer collectors is so offensive and threatening to you. Please seek professional help.

Here is a link to a clinic that can help that is near you: Active Psychological Services . Kristy or Stacey would be happy to help you get through this. They are in Aganston. I would recommend Dialectical Behavior Therapy and there is a description on their website.

(.700 member)
20/02/19 06:41 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


(.224 member)
20/02/19 06:59 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


(.700 member)
21/02/19 12:03 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


John: This must have taken you hours to think up and write all of this garbage. Rather insulting and a bit over the top. Sorry my simple post to Mannlicher-Schoenauer collectors is so offensive and threatening to you. Please seek professional help.

Here is a link to a clinic that can help that is near you: Active Psychological Services . Kristy or Stacey would be happy to help you get through this. They are in Aganston. I would recommend Dialectical Behavior Therapy and there is a description on their website.

"Hey, I've made seven out of seven of my posts all on this post designed to poach members for a new crap facebook group. You know, the sort of facebook group where we steal people's photos from all over the net, including members excellent photos on and then post them without permission on crappy 5 second attention span facebook groups. But its really cool .... "

Bye bye.

PS This troll obviously has lived up to "facebook" and has researched my location etc. No joining in with the forums, posting photos, infor on his interest area of mannlichers, jhust an advert for another crap facebook group. Not worried about facebook groups, they are the crack cocaine of "forums". For 5 second attention spans.

(.700 member)
21/02/19 12:15 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

Oh yeah! Lawsuit going on in the States now over private

medical information collected and gleaned from facebook members

being broadcast. Heard it on Fox News, today - Sirius Radio.

(.400 member)
22/02/19 10:08 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


Not worried about facebook groups, they are the crack cocaine of "forums". For 5 second attention spans.

I'm sure you've got some valid points about 'Facebook', John, and I've never used it for many of the same reasons.

I can also see where the 'new guy' feels a bit barked at but, Geez , can't we all just get along?

(.700 member)
23/02/19 04:22 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


I can also see where the 'new guy' feels a bit barked at but, Geez , can't we all just get along?

Boo Hoo.

Fucking parasite. First post is an "advertising" poost for his "new" faecesgroup. All of his posts on the same thread.

Yes I posted a lot of barking about facebook, 99% of it on facebook. And the parasite immediately responds with a personal attack reply.

Fuck him. Banned.

As for my increasing dislike of facebook, I receive at least two emails a day now by spammers/scammers claiming to have
hacked my pc but obviously using info purchased from facebook and/or google. Only place they could have got my email address used, and tied it to my activity is via google or facebook.

(.400 member)
23/02/19 04:47 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


As for my increasing dislike of facebook, I receive at least two emails a day now by spammers/scammers claiming to have hacked my pc but obviously using info purchased from facebook and/or google. Only place they could have got my email address used, and tied it to my activity is via google or facebook.

I'm no fan of 'Faceplant' myself. Never used it, actually, many horror stories heard.

I do appreciate this 'site. The camaraderie and exchange of information far outweigh the occasional 'ruckus'.

(.700 member)
23/02/19 04:59 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

I got mail similarly from someone with ALL my linkin contacts, etc. I haven't done ANYTHING with that site since I joined it, 4 years ago & havne't logged if for that time. Interesting, whether that info was sold, or stolen via: hacking. I had heard some time back that linkin got hacked into.

(.224 member)
09/04/19 04:46 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

Egr. Signori
Mi ha incuriosito questo Post e non nascondo che l’idea di un Gruppo che riunisse gli appassionati del MS mi ha “ entusiasmato “. Non avrei pensato tuttavia che avesse potuto far sorgere una discussione per certi aspetti “ accesa “. Fermo restando che FB non mi entusiasma più di tanto, anzi spesso cancello senza leggerle le notifiche che mi arrivano, non trovo “ scandaloso “ che si formi un Gruppo siffatto. Se gli iscritti, appassionati, dovessero trovarlo utile lo manterranno in vita, viceversa andrà ad esaurirsi da solo. Che possa essere viatico di “ estraneità “, è da mettere in conto così come è per la frequentazione di altri Siti o Social. Ciascuno valuterà il da farsi. Sono d’accordo con Nitrox quando, mi sembra, evidenzia le peculiarità di un Forum. Nel caso di NE, la sezione ( così come altre ) dedicata al Mannlicher è dimostrativa: l’appassionato vi può ( o tentare di ) trovare risposte alle proprie domande senza tema di annoiare e/o di annoiarsi.
Io devo molto a questo Forum ( si vedano i miei Post “ Peterlongo “ e “ Peterlongo atto II “ nella sezione Mauser Discussion Forum ) a tal punto che, se ne avessi la possibilità materiale, abbraccerei tutti quelli che sono intervenuti ( tra Loro vi è stato anche il Sig. Rothhammer1 ) e che mi hanno supportato con la Loro Competenza, Esperienza, Conoscenza e soprattutto con il Loro Altruismo. Come non evidenziare il fatto che pur intervenendo nella mia lingua ( non ne conosco altre ) in un Forum in inglese, i miei interventi sono stati portati alla conoscenza di tutti dai Signori Louis, Lancaster,Igrabow, Igorrock che si sono sobbarcati l’onere della traduzione dall’Italiano in Inglese ?
Sono cose che non si dimenticano.
p.s. suggerirei di lasciare da parte le “ Ideologie “ ed i giudizi su di esse. Le stesse sono partorite dall’Uomo. Il loro essere valide o meno dipendono appunto da chi le propone. Da non credente mi piace ricordare che è stato detto “ … chi è senza peccato, scagli la prima pietra … “

(.700 member)
09/04/19 05:25 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


Egr. Signori
Mi ha incuriosito questo Post e non nascondo che l’idea di un Gruppo che riunisse gli appassionati del MS mi ha “ entusiasmato “. Non avrei pensato tuttavia che avesse potuto far sorgere una discussione per certi aspetti “ accesa “. Fermo restando che FB non mi entusiasma più di tanto, anzi spesso cancello senza leggerle le notifiche che mi arrivano, non trovo “ scandaloso “ che si formi un Gruppo siffatto. Se gli iscritti, appassionati, dovessero trovarlo utile lo manterranno in vita, viceversa andrà ad esaurirsi da solo. Che possa essere viatico di “ estraneità “, è da mettere in conto così come è per la frequentazione di altri Siti o Social. Ciascuno valuterà il da farsi. Sono d’accordo con Nitrox quando, mi sembra, evidenzia le peculiarità di un Forum. Nel caso di NE, la sezione ( così come altre ) dedicata al Mannlicher è dimostrativa: l’appassionato vi può ( o tentare di ) trovare risposte alle proprie domande senza tema di annoiare e/o di annoiarsi.
Io devo molto a questo Forum ( si vedano i miei Post “ Peterlongo “ e “ Peterlongo atto II “ nella sezione Mauser Discussion Forum ) a tal punto che, se ne avessi la possibilità materiale, abbraccerei tutti quelli che sono intervenuti ( tra Loro vi è stato anche il Sig. Rothhammer1 ) e che mi hanno supportato con la Loro Competenza, Esperienza, Conoscenza e soprattutto con il Loro Altruismo. Come non evidenziare il fatto che pur intervenendo nella mia lingua ( non ne conosco altre ) in un Forum in inglese, i miei interventi sono stati portati alla conoscenza di tutti dai Signori Louis, Lancaster,Igrabow, Igorrock che si sono sobbarcati l’onere della traduzione dall’Italiano in Inglese ?
Sono cose che non si dimenticano.
p.s. suggerirei di lasciare da parte le “ Ideologie “ ed i giudizi su di esse. Le stesse sono partorite dall’Uomo. Il loro essere valide o meno dipendono appunto da chi le propone. Da non credente mi piace ricordare che è stato detto “ … chi è senza peccato, scagli la prima pietra … “

Google translate is a friend ...


Egr. Gentlemen
I was intrigued by this Post and do not deny that the idea of ​​a Group that brought together MS enthusiasts "enthused" me. I would not have thought, however, that it could have given rise to a discussion in certain respects "turned on". Notwithstanding that FB does not excite me that much, in fact I often gate without reading the notifications that arrive to me, I do not find "scandalous" that such a Group is formed. If the members, enthusiasts, find it useful, they will keep it alive, on the contrary it will run out on its own. That it can be considered an "extraneousness", it is to be taken into account as it is for visiting other sites or social networks. Each will evaluate what to do. I agree with Nitrox when, it seems to me, highlights the peculiarities of a Forum. In the case of NE, the section (as well as others) dedicated to Mannlicher is demonstrative: the enthusiast can (or try to) find answers to their questions without fear of getting bored and / or bored.
I owe a lot to this Forum (see my Post "Peterlongo" and "Peterlongo act II" in the Mauser Discussion Forum section) to the point that, if I had the material possibility, I would embrace all those who intervened (among them there is was also Mr. Rothhammer1) and who supported me with their expertise, experience, knowledge and especially with their altruism. How not to highlight the fact that while intervening in my language (I don't know any others) in a Forum in English, my interventions were brought to the attention of all by Messrs. Louis, Lancaster, Igrabow, Igorrock who took on the burden of translation from Italian into English?
These are things that are not forgotten.
P.S. I would suggest leaving aside the "Ideologies" and the judgments about them. The same are born from Man. Their being valid or not depends precisely on who proposes them. As a non-believer, I like to remember that it was said "... who is without sin, throw the first stone ..."

It is extremely disrespectful for some goose to post his first post and thread as a poaching thread on any forum.

Years ago most forums simply ban and delete immediately.

This is all pretty obvious. Imagine some complete and utter dickhead, a crack whore bum, setting up his table of crappy and used second hand books in the entranceway of an established bookshop ... what sort of reaction do you think the bookshop's staff or owner would give the stinking flea and faeces covered bum .... ?

Everyone who contributes here makes it the informative and entertaining place it is. Parasites do the opposite.

(.700 member)
09/04/19 05:28 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

BTW at one time if you did a good image search, it could have been on Mannlichers, or perhaps something else but similar, the first 30 to 50 images all used to be from

No wonder why the bottom feeders come here to poach. They poach not just traffic, but regular pinch images, the articles from Nickudu files, stories and all sorts of stuff. Facebook pages and groups are the swamps populated by the current day bottom feeders.

(.400 member)
09/04/19 06:02 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

So..., you don't like Facebook?

(.700 member)
09/04/19 06:42 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

If you like that you are using a media platform controlled by a nephew of the Rothschild's and a platform very much part of the NWO then ....

It is a necessary evil at the moment.

As less and less people use real forums like NE and istead get their instant fixes on facebook that last all of 5 seconds or 5 minutes if one is lucky.

But i REALLY DISLIKE traffic poachers who contribute NOTHING to NE.

(.400 member)
09/04/19 08:05 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

A previous post of mine:


I'm no fan of 'Faceplant' myself. Never used it, actually, many horror stories heard.

I do appreciate this 'site. The camaraderie and exchange of information far outweigh the occasional 'ruckus'.

(.224 member)
09/04/19 11:59 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group

Egr. Sig. Nitrox
Non ho capito ( a causa della mia non conoscenza dell’inglese e della dubbia attendibilità del traduttore di Google ) se mi accusa di “ parassitismo “. Se avessi dato con il mio intervento questa impressione, me ne scuso con Lei e con tutti i Forumisti. Volevo soltanto sottolineare il fatto che se un ignorante qual sono io ( almeno in questa materia ) chiede lumi, questo va a vantaggio non solo del richiedente ma anche di tutti i Fruitori del Forum.
A cosa servirebbe dunque un Forum ? E’ una nicchia per pochi eletti ? che lo si dica chiaramente. Soprattutto si dica di quali conoscenze si debba già essere provvisti e quali esami bisogna fare per l’ammissione.
A questo Forum devo molto. Basti dire che l’ex proprietario del mio ( ora ) Stutzen lo avrebbe ripreso cedendomi un … Concari a blocco cadente. Di sicuro si saprà chi sia Concari eppure a me ha lasciato indifferente. Mi tengo il mio Shuler.
Soprattutto mi tengo l’Amicizia che tutti coloro che erano intervenuti a dare un contributo nella ricerca mi hanno dimostrato.
Con doveroso rispetto.

(.700 member)
10/04/19 12:14 AM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


Egr. Sig. Nitrox
Non ho capito ( a causa della mia non conoscenza dell’inglese e della dubbia attendibilità del traduttore di Google ) se mi accusa di “ parassitismo “. Se avessi dato con il mio intervento questa impressione, me ne scuso con Lei e con tutti i Forumisti. Volevo soltanto sottolineare il fatto che se un ignorante qual sono io ( almeno in questa materia ) chiede lumi, questo va a vantaggio non solo del richiedente ma anche di tutti i Fruitori del Forum.
A cosa servirebbe dunque un Forum ? E’ una nicchia per pochi eletti ? che lo si dica chiaramente. Soprattutto si dica di quali conoscenze si debba già essere provvisti e quali esami bisogna fare per l’ammissione.
A questo Forum devo molto. Basti dire che l’ex proprietario del mio ( ora ) Stutzen lo avrebbe ripreso cedendomi un … Concari a blocco cadente. Di sicuro si saprà chi sia Concari eppure a me ha lasciato indifferente. Mi tengo il mio Shuler.
Soprattutto mi tengo l’Amicizia che tutti coloro che erano intervenuti a dare un contributo nella ricerca mi hanno dimostrato.
Con doveroso rispetto.


g. Mr. Nitrox
I did not understand (due to my lack of knowledge of English and the dubious reliability of the Google translator) if I am accused of "parasitism". If I had given this impression with my intervention, I apologize to you and to all the Forumists. I just wanted to emphasize the fact that if an ignorant person like me (at least in this matter) asks for enlightenment, this is to the advantage not only of the applicant but also of all the Users of the Forum.
What then would a forum be for? Is it a niche for a select few? let it be said clearly. Above all, tell us what knowledge you must already have and what exams you need to do for admission.
I have a lot to this forum. Suffice it to say that the former owner of my (now) Stutzen would have resumed giving me a ... falling block Concari. Certainly we will know who Concari is, yet he has left me indifferent. I keep my shuler.
Above all, I keep the friendship that all those who intervened to contribute to the research showed me.
With due respect.


I did not understand (due to my lack of knowledge of English and the dubious reliability of the Google translator) if I am accused of "parasitism".


No it was a reference to the original poster who started this thread.

I will close this thread very soon to new replies.

(.400 member)
10/04/19 12:54 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


Egr. Sig. Nitrox
Non ho capito ( a causa della mia non conoscenza dell’inglese e della dubbia attendibilità del traduttore di Google ) se mi accusa di “ parassitismo “.


I believe what 'Nitrox' takes exception to is that 'WindSurgeon', the originator of this particular thread, took the opportunity of his seventh post to this forum to advocate for another website without having contributed anything significant to this one.

John ('Nitrox') has expressed his disdain for Facebook in general and specifically for one who would, as he sees it, 'poach' members of this forum to increase viability of a Facebook forum. As he posted prior: "Fucking parasite. First post is an "advertising" poost for his "new" faecesgroup. All of his posts on the same thread." I doubt that 'Windsurgeon's reply to John had done anything to diffuse the situation.

A bit passionate, perhaps, but John shows justifiable pride in this website and has put a great deal of work into it over the years. perhaps he's a bit of a 'protective parent' in that regard.

There are some strong personalities on this 'site. I, being a bit of a 'smartass' myself, have stepped on a land mine or two on the 'Opinion, News, and Politics' forum and been met with impassioned replies. As you've noted, however, this is probably the best 'site anywhere for those with an interest in, or needing information about, 'old school' Nitro Express rifles, double guns, and other fine European sporting arms. Here one can find accurate information freely and enthusiastically shared by members with qualified opinions and experience. I recommend it highly to anyone seeking information about Mannlicher Schönauer rifles and stutzen, for example.

For the language barrier, this is truly an international 'site. I speak what we in the United States refer to as 'English' (it's close), and would surely sound foolish if I attempted to write in Italian. Stick to the common interests, here, and you can't go wrong. I'm certain that 'John' had no intention of implying that you have done anything 'parasitic'.

(.700 member)
10/04/19 05:15 PM
Re: New Facebook Mannlicher-Schoenauer Group


John ('Nitrox') has expressed his disdain for Facebook in general and specifically for one who would, as he sees it, 'poach' members of this forum to increase viability of a Facebook forum. As he posted prior: "Fucking parasite. First post is an "advertising" poost for his "new" faecesgroup. All of his posts on the same thread." I doubt that 'Windsurgeon's reply to John had done anything to diffuse the situation.

A bit passionate, perhaps, but John shows justifiable pride in this website and has put a great deal of work into it over the years. perhaps he's a bit of a 'protective parent' in that regard.

No its ffffing simple. "Windsurgeon" was a traffic poacher. Simple.

Traffic poachers are common a crap sites like facebook.

Traffic poaching is going to a successful established website and trying to get traffic, members, posts to move to your new site.

Most forums ban traffic poachers out of hand.

WindSurgeon made his first ever post about his new facebook group as a traffic poacher. Every one of his posts were all on this thread.

It has nothing to do with Pietro/Bopi.

I am SICK of this thread and closing it.

In future if someone I believe is traffic poaching, I will simply delete their thread and probably ban them instantly. Ffffing simple.

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