31/10/08 09:28 PM
fun day, mixed bag in oktober

front to back, woodcock, pheasant and hare. lovely day you should have been there:)



(.400 member)
31/10/08 10:02 PM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober

I wish I had been Peter what a great day, best, Mike

(.375 member)
31/10/08 10:07 PM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober

That does look like a great day! Congratulations Was the game walked up or driven? What guns were used during the hunt? Did you use Pointers or Retrievers?

31/10/08 11:19 PM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober

this were a driven shoot.

in denmark we often split the guns into two teams, so one part is beating while the others are on post. works quite well so the beaters shoot for the game that goes away from the pegs and the pegs just enjoy the drive, so next drive its reversed.

although i try to assist where ever i go there were a few O/U but thankfully most were S/S.

the day were wonderful for oktober 15-17c and sunny with almost no wind the birds were eager to go high and the woodcocks were as hard as ever to get on target. the hare are really fast in that region of denmark(biggest one were a 12#)you dont shoot hare unless it is running(major no-no)

dog's were a nice mix of lab's, a couppel of GWP's a flat coated retriver and a irish setter.(sako stayed home on this one)

im bringing him next time(hate not to have own dog on the peg)



(.375 member)
31/10/08 11:46 PM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober

Thanks for sharing the information. I've only shot driven pheasants in Hungary and with Griffin & Howe on their estate shoots. I share the same love of side by sides as you do and, thankfully, most of the guns had barrels in proper parallel fashion To me, they've always had a near perfect feel to them. I've trained and hunted with English Setters but am seriously considering a GSP next time....maybe this winter?

(.450 member)
01/11/08 12:05 AM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober

Thanks for posting, Peter!

Great pics and a very nice bag indeed. How many shooters?

I remember those days growing up shooting pheasants & cottontail rabbits {and squirrels }. Just plain fun!

You mention sxs's. English or Continental guns mostly? or pumps?

I remember the first time I saw a Euro hare {alot like a big jackrabbit for Americans not accustomed to seeing them}. I had to think for a moment. The thing was so big I at first thought it was a dog!!

In fact, it was in a farming area near Nęstved, right close to home, right?

Here, no pheasants in the immediate area {have stocked them for "put and take" here on my place, but the getaways move off the place where they find thicker cover and protection from Bald and Golden eagles} and snowshoe hares are left for tough snowshoe hikes in the winter mostly tho my son shot one with his .30-06 while elk hunting the other day:

(.375 member)
01/11/08 02:45 AM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober

No, it's Side x Sides hands down. Mine are English and German. I do have an Old Meridan 12 ga hammer gun I bought when I was shooting "cowboy action" several years ago.
It is still a good one.

(.375 member)
01/11/08 06:03 AM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober

Wonderful tableau Peter!

Denmark is famous for its driven duck shoots right?

I've not shot driven birds since 2005 and I miss it so! Going to have to do something about that...

(.700 member)
01/11/08 06:15 PM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober


lovely day you should have been there



Peter, I have enough air miles so one day I will be.


the day were wonderful for oktober 15-17c and sunny with almost no wind the birds were eager to go high and the woodcocks were as hard as ever to get on target. the hare are really fast in that region of denmark(biggest one were a 12#)you dont shoot hare unless it is running(major no-no)

No rabbits?

I love hunting hares and we have a fair few dancing around in the vineyards.

I have had one chance to shoot a woodcock. It was in Somerset I believe, on my one and only driven pheasant shoot. We shot a fair number of pheasant (55?), some duck, a couple of foxes, had some red deer hinds come crashing through. One woodcock NOT shot. I have it lined up, swinging almost ready to shoot, when someone yelled "DON'T SHOOT!", then someone else yelled "SHOOT!" but by then it was too late and it zipped off through the trees like greased lightening.

When's roe deer season start?

01/11/08 10:01 PM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober


Peter, I have enough air miles so one day I will be.

No rabbits?

When's roe deer season start?


lets make a plan for next year early oktober, much more fun on the early shoots(biiiig bags)

actually there were rabbits on the estate, but they found there holes asap.

roe season is up and running, it starts in oktober as well, i have a date with a few on my lands but i usually wait untill a bit later in the year so they can gain some weight.


Denmark is famous for its driven duck shoots right?

we do have a lot of wild fowl, so yes that and our estate shoots that can rival the english ones.

Quote: or pumps?


since we were at a shoot, it would be poor form to bring instruments of war(pump) or the clay field[semi] , we still try to educate the last with the O/U. No camoflage were used either, because we dont need to hide ourselfs only leather woolfelt and tweed.

best regards


(.416 member)
04/11/08 06:12 AM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober

congratulations Pete, indeed a nice shoot.
and with great style, mostly S/S.
I won't even dream of it here. Most of the young guys are S/S addicted and the old stick to S/S. Personally I have both, but when it's turning to serious business, I am using my O/U Beretta Silver pigeon.
But we cannot pretend to rivalize with your bag. A real encouraging perspective that Denmark is keeping the standards very high with diversity of games and strictly behaving.

For what I know, Denmark is also good for roe?
All the best

04/11/08 08:53 AM
Re: fun day, mixed bag in oktober


For what I know, Denmark is also good for roe?
All the best


yes the roe hunting is very good here, but alas no pigs

best regards


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