(.416 member)
25/05/19 02:34 PM
577 2 3/4" NE



A pre war I Hollis (pre WWI) .577 2 3/4 inch that is Factory regulated for the 750 grain bullet. This gives you the bullet weight of the 3" version and the recoil of a much smaller caliber. Very accurate.

90 grains Cordite, 11 pounds, 1800 fps, Chopper lump barrels, Anson and Deely Boxlock, Bushed Firing Pins, Extractors, Greener Crossbolt.

small dent in lower left corner of forearm

Includes 40+ cases and 50+ bullets, both SN and Solid and Reloading Dies

*ask for more pictures if interested

(.700 member)
25/05/19 05:25 PM
Re: 577 2 3/4" NE

Damn it Mick, I would love to ... very extended payment plan perhaps?

BTW isn't this the "original clown jester" .577?

(.416 member)
26/05/19 12:56 AM
Re: 577 2 3/4" NE

Extended payment is fine. You send me a check for the full amount and I will keep the rifle until it clears the bank.

I am not sure about that. I had a 3" back in those days too. It has been a long time since Daman and being thrown off of AR. I am more mellow now. I wonder whatever did happen at the Camel Race?

It's been so long since I posted I have forgotten how to do a lot.

(.700 member)
26/05/19 01:42 AM
Re: 577 2 3/4" NE


It's been so long since I posted I have forgotten how to do a lot.

Old age does that, I hear. Just remember, which you put what, and she'll be right.

BTW that package you sent to me, just arrived. It went walkabout all over, and finally the Post Office guessed who I was, and where it had to go. Picked it up on Friday.

I owe you some postage money I think. We message or email you.

I am sure we have those jester photos still somewhere.

(.416 member)
26/05/19 04:43 AM
Re: 577 2 3/4" NE

Sorry about the wait. At least you aren't Dead because of it.

Did I not write down the correct address?

You can send me a can send me a case of good Shiraz instead of the postage.

(.450 member)
31/05/19 09:18 PM
Re: 577 2 3/4" NE

Very nice rifle!


(.416 member)
01/06/19 12:01 PM
Re: 577 2 3/4" NE

Hey Curl. Pretty much getting rid of everything I have left. Got any money left now that you are retired?

(.450 member)
06/06/19 08:28 PM
Re: 577 2 3/4" NE

I'm far more limited.

Some of the younger members need to come forward!


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