The Lions That Stopped A Railroad by LtCol. J.H. Patterson 1907. The first installment of his sneak-peek of The Maneaters of Tsavo which appeared in the World's Work magazine. |
The Lions That Stopped A Railroad by LtCol. J.H. Patterson 1907. The second installment of his sneak-peek of The Maneaters of Tsavo which appeared in the World's Work magazine. |
The Lions That Stopped A Railroad by LtCol. J.H. Patterson 1907. The third installment of his sneak-peek of The Maneaters of Tsavo which appeared in the World's Work magazine. |
Thanks for posting that, John. I have seen the movie, but I'd like to read this. |
Quote: Look up the book "Lunatic Express". And of course "The Maneaters of Tsavo" by J.H. Patterson. The above is a magazine preview. |
I can't remember where I read it. But Patterson was a celebrity after the Tsavo events,news stories, his articles and books. I read he was feted at the Moulin Rouge in Paris. And much enjoyed the back stage tour and attentions of the adoring beautiful burlesque dancers. |
The Maneaters of Tsavo can be found online here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3810 I keep that link handy to give to people who try to borrow my copy! |
Why go all the way there? When two are available in the Nickudu Files here on NE. http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=109180&an=&page=0&vc=1 Look for: The Man-Eaters of Tsavo – A Leaflet http://ezine.nitroexpress.info/NickuduFiles/Africa-PDF/Africa026.pdf 56 pages and the full book The Maneaters of Tsavo and Other East African Adventures .......... Join in the discussion thread http://ezine.nitroexpress.info/NickuduFiles/Africa-PDF/Africa039.pdf Such a huge resource here on NE which no one uses or promotes. |
I'm listening 5o "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo" by J.H. Paterson again right now on audio. Tonight I'm cooking a butterflied lamb leg marinated over night in garlic and onion laced olive oil, garlic, salt pepper. To be cooked over charcoal coals in a new frame grill I've purchased. Can be positioned higher or lower to cook over the coals and spun around as needed. Some garlic and onion laced olive oil and butter woked fried Blue Potatoes. And a salad. Served with matured cheese and a good red wine. I'll finish off the night I hoped living in 1907 in the wilds of the Tsavo smoking a cigar, drinking whiskey or Cognac sitting by the charcoal coals in a fire bowl to hopefully keep the man-eaters away in the dark. |
The reader of the audio book expresses in his introduction his fantasy desire of being able to live in those times. I agree wholeheartedly. The times of the late 19th Century and very early 20th Century before WW1, in the wilds and still often unsettled places of Africa and Asia is my favourite period. When Men were still Men. One could still live by ones wits. One could still seek ones fortune abroad. Man-eaters roared in Africa and India. Tuskers were white gold. A life could be carved from the wilderness. Of course the American West was still wild. Bushrangers still roamed in Australia. |