88Mau - you are too kind. I have plaed with them and tend to overdue things when I get interested in something. ; The most important aspect or ingredient in these loads, is the cupped gas check off a plastic wad, be it a steel shot wad, or lead shot wad - doesn't matter. With smokeless loads, you can also put a gas check off a wad, cup-down on the powder.The important part or aspect is to put the gas check in the case above the base wad with the cup facing up so inertia will hold the ball in the cup upon it's trip up the bore, thus holding it in the middle. Size really doesn't matter, but bigger is always better - in projetiles. ; Some of the fellows I know have used very much uindersized balls that would fit inside plastic wads. They used these in muzzleloading shotguns without chokes. Beware, if you use something like this in a choked gun, you should be able to push the upper part of the wad, with ball, through the choke or inset it into the muzzle, plastic and all or it might be too tight and damage the choke. It is best to use the proper sized ball and the gas checks. More power and better accuracy. |