(.375 member)
02/12/07 08:12 AM
Re: Pictures of my J.P.Sauer singleshot.

The only problem hunting vizcachas with the Sauer is that you can eat only the rear half.
I hunt them with .22LR mostly and if you are not very carefull with aiming point they jump into their hole and you never get them. Half vizcacha is better than none. LOL
I try to brake both shoulders to anchor it.
I had a red dot scope but I allways forget to turn it on on to turn it off, so i use normal scopes.
Im using Remington ammo now but I made some reloading atempts. It was very tricky .2 grains have very much efect in accuracy. I found the perfect load, 10.2 grains of IMR 4227 and 45 gr Hornady bullets using the "Ladder Test".


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