(.375 member)
01/12/07 11:48 PM
Re: Pictures of my J.P.Sauer singleshot.

The barrel follows exactly the original contour, only a couple of inchs shorter.
It have a setepped down round barrel.

We have one of the best place for small game hunting (doves, ducks, pardriges,etc,) but mostly with shotguns, and I much prefer rifles.
I bought this rifle for the price, $ 100.- and then rechambered (have some one to do the job) specially for vizcacha hunting.
The vizcacha is a big rodent that weights 10-14 pounds and very good to eat. It is considered a pest or varmint so you can hunt any time.
Some year ago I was managing a big farm and have some “vizcacheras” = vizcacha towns similar to prairie dogs in USA.
It is mostly nocturnal but I have a town that use to begin activity at the last hour of the day. I wait from 75-100 yds and shoot a couple. It is very fun. The usual way to hunt is to rode with a vehicle at night from vizcachera to vizcachera with spot light but I do not like it too much.


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