we shot 18 on saturday (I'd shot 2 before), and the gun still has the original thin, hard recoil pad (red decelerator is coming!). dad shot 3 or 4, I shot the rest. as such, I took, say 14 shots (after shooting birds all morning and putting 12 shots through the 30-06), and the 13th I "felt" and the 14th was "game over" I got a really nasty tweak in my shoulder, and I knew that any more would risk developing a flinch, so it was good that we were out of ammo... most of the shots were off-hand or in a field position. overall, recoil is very manageable. it needs that decelerator and it will be like shooting an -06 without a recoil pad, which is really no big deal. and Holmes, addiction doesn't begin to describe it! |