What prompted my opening question was recent threads on side by side combination rifle/shotguns, capegun configuration. Scoped or unscoped. And how people cope or don't cope with using a shotgun barrel with a scope.
Traditionally with QD mounts it's assumed one takes on it off the scope depending on the barrel to be used. Might work sitting in a hochsitz, but here in Aussie, walking a field of a creek line, flushing a duck, or a rabbit bursts from the grass, no time to remove the scope. And when the fox is seen at 100 metres away, especially if it's running away, no time to lever in a scope in qd mounts. One should have time to spin up the variable scope power dial. Shooting that flushed duck or running rabbit on 1x with the scope.
Over many years of using scoped drillings in the high country, where we find blue grouse and also wild chukar a bit lower down I have become accustomed to shooting birds on the wing with the scope installed, since there is no time to remove the scope at the first rise.
It's a both eyes open and learning to also rely on the "passive" sighting eye proposition, not just the dominant sighting eye. With practice your brain can learn to be more conscious of the non-dominant eye, Ive found. It's far easier on L or R swinging shots; the straight- aways block both eyes.