Fuhrmann's post on another thread: http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=380784&an=0&page=0#Post380784 "The most extensive combo was also made by Simson": https://www.germanhuntingguns.com/bengt-bergs-fantastic-set-of-simson-guns/ Bengt Berg's extensive collection of shotguns, combination barrel sets/cape guns and double rifle barrels. Two actions, mine barrel sets. Two side by side shotgun sets. A paradox barrel set. Combinations barrels - .222R/12, .470NE/12 paradox, 8x60Rs/12 paradox. DR sets in .470 NE,.360 no.2, and 6.5x57R and .22 Hornet. A damned good extensive and versatile collection, some scope in QD mounts. Also an inspiring to a gun nut like me. Everything on Earth could be hunted with these two actions and nine barrel sets. I'd like to copy the article here. |