I got a bit of time to fiddle with the rifle. The 30 caliber barrel had a good bit of copper in the bore. I'm working on that with foaming bore cleaner. It's coming out in a midnight blue color. The 22-250 barrel is a 1:12 twist. That's good. After getting the FL die set up for headspace on the shoulder, I looked around the bookcase for load data. I'd sat down with Pet Loads and saw the notes on 748 powder for 55gr bullets. I had a box of 55gr V-Max bullets and worked into a moderate load that wasn't moving the brass around too much. I'm at just about .001 stretch per sizing. With dinner coming up soon I called it a day with a 200 meter zero. I'll get the chronograph out tomorrow or later in the week to see how fast that load is going. For now I'm pleased with these first steps. |