Guys, I have an issue with my WR 1881 locking up, making it a true single shot. A friend of mine also has a WR1881 that also locks up. The caliber of my gun is 500/450 #1. The brass is 50/90 that was shortened and formed. There is approximately 0.004" of head space which I think may be needed to keep the block from binding when being raised /lowered. I was hoping someone had a similar experience with a WR1881 and could offer advise. It appears to be two problems. I will discussed these below. With the gun locked up, I remove the lower tang. The firing pin is forward. A tap or two with a brass rod will release the firing pin. If the case is just a primed but unloaded case, the primer backs out 0.001". There is a slight rub mark on the bottom of the primer, as if the firing pin is dragging. The firing pin seems to be good, it exerts good pressure on the pin (I notice the pressure when pushing the pin in with my finger) When I first tried shooting this gun, I disassembled it and noticed the firing pin was too long and the tip was flat, in fact, somewhat sharp on the upper edge. The pin is the correct diameter for the block. I think the pin must have been a replacement pin. I rounded the tip and shorten the pin so there was 0.057" protrusion when fired. The pin was soft, somewhat rough and slightly bent. I cleaned up the outside and oil hardened the tip to keep it from bending (the pin is at 35 degree to bore). Well, the gun continues to lock up so I would like to get your advise. |