The safety on the blaser is connected to the firing spring. When you activate the safety you release the tension on the spring. Conversely when you push the safety to fire then you are cocking the spring. Therefore you can't remove the safety otherwise you won't cock the firing spring. Its what makes blasers so safe because when the safety is activated there is no potential energy stored in the system but also a PITA for rapid fire with their break action single and doubles for rapid fire. I just get used to it. The most rapid fire I do is with the combination gun on fox drives and don't worry I'm used to running, extracting and reloading cocking, aiming and firing on running foxes with the hounds quick enough. I will say this though, I've had to regulate my mates blaser S2 H&H and same issue about extraction with a rimless cartridge. Hence I'd never use one for DG because I'd be fumbling trying to get them out if I was charged and I'd be relying on my PH because I'd never get them out in time to reload. On the other hand as you see my BBF you just tip those 9.3x74R and they fall out easily. |