Back about 40 years ago, somewhat before small companies began to make brass for cartridges that were in common use in the 1800's, British rifles seem to show up in small antique shops and could be ransomed for relatively few dollars. One day at lunch I wandered into Alan Lever's shop shortly after he returned from England and the nice little rifle below followed me home. We have shared a number of hunts over the years and between us have brought home a few deer, bears and moose. Unfortunately my eyes make it difficult to use the sights the manufacturer put on the rifle when it was built. I would like to add an aperture sight to this rifle. Sometime before it came home with me, a previous owner had installed a tang sight. The screw holes for mounting that sight have a spacing of 0.608 inches(+/- a bit). Does anyone here have an idea as to what sight might have been mounted on the tang or lacking that information which sight might fit this improved martini action?