Update; Removed block and started cleaning. First blasted with one of the canned cleaners. Then in the sonic cleaner. Block assembly was very gummy so I thought this was the cure. When I first pulled it out the pin had to be forced back into the block, after cleaning it was easy to push in. However, during re-assembly the firing pin fell out. All done over a secure surface to catch small parts. Close inspection reveled no firing pin spring. Call to Ruger. Spring is a factory install fix only and when I told them it had been rebarreled based on previous call they said the repair department would not touch it. Suggested I call Jack One, which I did and ordered two springs (just in case).They will in in the mail this afternoon so by the end of the week I should have everything fixed (I Hope).
I did try another primed case. Stuck, BUT a slap on the butt and it released. Much easier then before so I'm half way there.