I have a Ruger #1 in 9.3 X 74R that I picked up second hand. The first time to the range I had to use a rod from the muzzle to tap the breech, through the fired case, to get the firing pin to release from the primer, where it was stuck. This happened twice which was all I tried to fire. I had an issue with this before in another rifle and it was a headspace issue that required the barrel to be turned back. Thinking this was the issue with this rifle I called Ruger and found out the rifle left the factory as a .223 Rem. So, I have a rebarreled, non factory rifle where the firing pin sticks. Into the safe until I figured out what to do with it. Today I got it out, primed a case, chambered it, pulled the trigger and I had a stuck firing pin. If it was a headspace issue it shouldn't stick when just popping a primer, right?
So my question is headspace, broken firing pin spring or just a dirty firing pin assembly that needs cleaning? Headspace means a trip to a smith, broken spring means a trip back to Ruger and dirty assembly means I break it down and do a major cleaning. I'm hopping for the latter. Any help here?