A "rifle" buttplate, as shown on my Browning 25-06 above is not designed to be shot off the shoulder. It is designed to be shot off the top end of your arm below your armpit. They were for fast offhand work, not sitting at a bench rest. I took a trotting speed goat @ 230 yards with that very rifle off hand in 2011. I shoot a lot of sporting clays and except for the mount it was a typical crosser. Swing through him and shoot when the crosshairs pass his front. Bang, flop. A rifle buttplate will stick you if you use it wrong. Used correctly it's great. For sighting in, use a standing bench rest shooting off your arm. The recoil will not stick you as there will be nothing behind the prongs but air. If you only shoot off rests or sticks, than a shotgun butt is nicer, but is lousy for offhand shooting. Look at Scheutzens and Free Rifles and see. A Modern Browning or Winchester High Wall is still the best hammer action out there due to the far better extraction ejection system than an "old" High Wall design. |