375RugerNo1, As we speak I have the components on my bench to put one just like that together, a No.1 in 500NE 3". As 500Nitro says, "Get your weight and balance right and she'll become a pussy cat to shoot". My personal recommendations: Barrel length - 24-26" Barrel shape – Round Barrel contour - reasonably heavy tapering, depending on the desired finished weight Iron sights - Front- Uncovered front sight bead Rear- Standard wide "V" Weight - If it's going to be used mainly as a hunting rifle, 9-1/2 to 10 lbs. At this weight, it will be quite manageable while getting to know it and to practice with, the weight concentration should be able to be made to be nicely "between the hands", and it should not be too heavy to carry all day when out hunting. Getting the correct balance and feel is not always easy with a large calibre No.1, but it most certainly can be done! And if the correct "between the hands" weight distribution and balance combination is achieved, the rifle will feel "alive" and want to move, even at 10lbs. How-ever, if the right weight and balance combination is missed, the rifle will probably feel like a log of wood, dead and un-responsive. If the rifle is to be mainly shot at the range how-ever, 11-1/2 or 12 lbs would allow you to shoot it for longer periods more pleasantly. Unfortunately though, at this weight it will probably feel rather muzzle heavy, a bit like the previously mentioned "log". But it will still be good fun to poke holes in paper and turn granite into gravel with ![]() With a little thought and care, it will come out well. I hope this helps Good luck. Alex alexbeer.com |