(.300 member)
17/07/08 03:11 PM
Re: George Gibbs Farquharson action price???

Mr. Bramble:

I agree that a Metford rifled barrel would be proper. Do you know of any house currently cutting Metford rifling?

I tend to disagree on the restoration. I would certainly save all the engraving and do as little work on it as possible, but I would make the action pristine. There seems to be little point in making new work look old, or to put a shiny new barrel and stock on a aged action. Either it is an original rifle, or it is not. If not, it seems to me the answer is to return it to like new condition in original configuration. In the case of an action, one can only assume a likely original configuration. The nice thing about an action like this is that the owner gets to pick the "authentic" configuration that fits his desires.

Of course, we are all just expressing opinions. Mr. LukeinNZ owns the action and gets to make the decisions. Not to worry, the action is in good hands.

As for the Farquharson on Gunbroker you point out, I am the new owner and the next time it sees the light of day it will be a fine recreation of an original pattern sporting rifle chambered for an appropriate cartridge. Or maybe the .340 Weatherby... <g>

Best to all,


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