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27/11/11 02:13 AM
Saturday Night Cocktails ...

Its Saturday Night and time to try out Mick's idea of a "postal" competition ... or well ... an internet drinking competition ... actually giving the above a try and reporting back with variations and how well they work.

Doesn't have to be on Saturday Night, of course.

Looking for Suggestions!

The "Nitro Express" - some concepts:

A man's drink but for women as well, no frilly fluffy bits, umbrellas, bits of fruit or that sort of crap. Those can go on other cocktails.

At least two, probably three types of alcohol. Must be tasteful to drink.

Colour? Perhaps black, dark "blue" as in "blueing", gun metal grey, or have these colours in it.

Sources? Should be identifiable with the term "Nitro Express", British, Indian, African origins eg gin, whiskey, amarula, or ? Or part of it has these origins or connections.

Give it a try and have some fun. Feedback please!!!

I would like to see other cocktails created, so different styles, trends may well get accommodated:

"Double Barrelled";
"Simba" or "Lion in the Tall Grass" perhaps "Lion in a Tall Glass" ;
"Nyati, the Black Death".

Just some ideas for "Nitro Express Cocktails".

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