I just ordered a round ball mould from Tanner in .724. The bores of my double barreled smoothbore slug gun are .724 so I am hoping for improved accuracy over the .715 round balls I bought 'off-the-shelf' and was not ecstatic with their 50 yard accuracy. I intend to utilize some of the excellent advice from people here to mold up some wheel weighted round balls and by playing with some wads hopefully get a deep penetrating accurate show stopper for game such as bear with this new RB that matches the bore diameter. I still plan to use the carriage (the spent shot shell with petals cut off and flipped upside down) to hold the RB on its flight down the barrel. In a smoothie the round ball is just so darn.... er... pragmatic... Can you make things any simpler? And if the round ball has worked for decades why are so many modern shooters poo-poo-ing it's ability to smack down a bear or a moose or a hog or even other Dangerous Game? Does the critter with big teeth really die faster with a boolit to the brain or a massive RB to the brain when it is charging at 20 feet? I think the RB is a beautiful thing. .724 diameter in pure lead should be about how many grains? I know WW addition will be a tad lighter but still a lotta momentum when they strike. |