Tony, a bore gun only trip to the Back Country would be fantastic, I have been wondering about how the projectiles would work on Buffalo and Scrub Bulls. I am currently reading the book on the Paradox which is an excellent read: https://www.bundukibooks.com.au/Paradox-Vol-1-Baker-Lake-p/bt17.htm In it there are a significant number of excerpts from magazine articles written at the peak period of Paradox use by sportsman of the day, and one in particular was very interesting in that the author states that the Hollow Point Fosberry was much more effective than the solid, after having tried both on a significant number animals. Powder coating is another method that some of the guys are using to coat lubricate their projectiles. The Powder Coater that we use can spray Teflon which of course has a very low coefficient of friction. I will look into and report back. Matt. |