(.300 member)
02/02/17 02:56 PM
Isaac Hollis and Son 12 bore percussion rifle

Gentlemen, I was given this rifle by a mate for my last birthday. It was acquired from a local collector who is selling off a lot of his stuff. The bore has cleaned up quite well, still the odd small patch of rust. I am hoping to condition the bore using leather patches, have to anyway as I only have a .697 diameter ball mould to hand at the moment. I put 5 shots through it yesterday using 3 drams of FFg, shot it off the back veranda into a gum tree about 25 paces away. grouped well enough inspite of a heavy but crisp trigger (offhand). Recoil pleasant, suspect I may go to a max load of 4 1/2 drams in time. The rifle has been well used and has had some rough work done on the sights, looks like a replacement front sight, leaving the original dovetail open. I have since filled it with a piece of copper. Rear sight only 1 folding leave and no standing rear sight at all, seems a little odd. I have made up a new ram rod and tightened the hammer nicely. The rifle does not have a lot of corrosion from the corrosive caps of the day, and as it has a hooked breech has probable been well cleaned. Looks like Forsyth type rifling and is for ball. Have not seen much information about shooting these rifles, I do expect it to be a rifle for hunting. Small powder charge and large ball for moggys and larger antelope, translate at kangas and deer if I am lucky .
I have been a black powder hunter and target shooter since the early 1970's. If any of you chaps have any information regarding these classic English hunting rifles I will be much obliged. [/URL[URL=http://s1012.photobucket.com/user/heelerau/media/P1020517.jpg.html]

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