One otehr aspect of round balls, is inceased expansion penetration if desired. With a factory slug, you are tied to what it will do. Please don't read this as a put-down on Brenneke's - they have poven to be excellent for many game animals - it's just that round balls have a greater arena of possible use, from the same animals as the Brenneke'scan handle to also include dangerous game if desired. Being spherical in profile, they punch ball sized holes and being solid in nature, they penetrate more deeply than a hollow bullet. "A ball that size (for 14 bore ML) if hardened with mercury or tin & driven by 4 or 4 1/2 drams (roughly 1,400fps to 1,500fps, and weighing 460gr.,) will go through and through an elephant's head" so said Samual Baker. He was speaking of Indian Elephants but I see no reason to dispute his statement. This 12 bore has more power yet and is capable of obtaining the speed of the heavy 12 bore 9 dram heavy charge along with any lesser load. Personally, I've shot a number of the heavy 2 3/4" load of 7 drams of GOEX2F and that kicked quite enough from my light double smooth shot gun. The velocity was 1,550fps and accuracy sufficient for deer to 100 meters, where I managed groups off hand of 10", firing rights and lefts. There is a world of testing in store for David, I hope. |