(.416 member)
23/02/10 01:28 PM
Re: Borerifle in " Wolfman" 2009


In the film -- was the SxS rifle in question actually referred to as an 8-bore paradox, or even an 8-bore?

The bullet casting scene with the winged bullets, was that scene specifically framed to imply that the winged bullets were for the aforementioned SxS rifle?

On Checkman's comment on cutting the web-poster from imfdb, I don't think anyone here is being harsh on the guy (and I don't see anyone here laughing at him) -- and I'm sure he'd be welcome here at NitroExpress too!
Further, I'm fairly sure the rifle started life as a rifle -- just a pinfire, not central fire rifle -- I'm basing this on the stalking safeties and the pistol-grip tang extension (as distinction of rifle) and the fence detail (as distinction of pinfire).


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