daryl,I found the tanner web page, and as soon as I cut my barrels will measure them, and get a mold made, Thank you for letting me know about him. Where do I get the wad/cups for loading round balls?, and I assume since I want to load in brass shells that the loading data I find will work for them. I found a good used MEC shotgun reloader yesterday at my local pawn shop, and he told me I could get different sized parts and dies for my 20 gauge reloading. I thought I was alone in my thinking a smooth bore could be used, then I read a lot more to find that many shooters/hunters have been doing do for over a century, and with gret success. I hadn't considered that a shotgun was really a lower pressure sxs musket of sorts, and they have been in use for over 300 years. This should be quite fun to work up a good combination between gun and loads, much more so that my other rifles and pistols. Stay warm up there!! Thanks, TC |