Casting would not be fun - there would be an increidible amount of shrinkage resulting in internal voids if you didn't keep pouring the lead over the spure area after pouring the cavity. A larger ladle might be advantageous to holding enough lead to continue pouring lead over the sprue for a good stretch of time.
Had a moth fly into my lead pot yesterday while casting 15 bore balls - glad I was wearing a sweater and at least the one glove (got hit heavily with olten lead) on my right hand. As I caught a flash of a small white 'thing' flutter over the pot, I raised my right hand in front of my face and POW, the pot seemed to expload- lead flying everywhere. There was quite a puddle of molten lead hit my sweater, which protected my chest as well as my jeans and 'crocs'. The holes in the crocs let a bit through, but the socks stopped that. Exciting to say the least. Be careful casting - bugs are not our friends.