Hi all I am new to black power shooting, hunting and all thatīs around that. But, the idea of shooting and hunting with is getting more and more interesting. And now I am looking at a drilling with 16/16 over 11.5x65R, black power or Nitro as some say. Well, at first I was thinking it is a nice drilling, but black power. Then, I did read about roundballs, hunting with bore guns and so one. Tinker did give me a very good link about hunting with roundballs/bore guns, Thank you! But, these drilling is a shotgun, not a "bore" gun. So, can I load roundballs in it, and go hunting with that? I also need to find out about the rifle caliber, if brass is around, bullets today and so one. But, all in all, it is VERY interesting to think about it..and.....yes, like to try it out. Thanks for looking |