Thanks for the conversion table - 65 = 2.56" rounded to 100'ths. Mine are merely bored 1/10" deeper, I guess, at 66.7mm. NP. Bob- thanks for the load data. Wad columns and crimping are so very important to the regulation. they make more change than does a powder charge change. I've wondered why my 12 bore double regulated with so many loads - smokeless and BP - strange beasts they are. I used mostly folded crimps with plastic cases. In a 2 3/4" case, with folded crimp, I used both 150gr.(5 1/2 drams) and 192gr.(7 drams) and got parallel regulation wiht both loads. The lighter charge needed a fibre wad to take up space between crad and cup wad while the 192gr. load only used the cup under the ball and 1 or 2 cards on the powder. Sorry for getting off topic. |