sorry about the paradox, paradox- heh, heh. I was referring to the early black powder guns - the only ones I'm even remotely familiar with - and it's remote, this familiarity of mine. Oh - good thing you mentioned the BPE's - jogged me a bit -- it was not a BPE, but a single barreled Rigby (or another make) especially heavy for long heavy bullets & thus sighted to 400 or 500 yards with the addition of a ladder sight for longer range shooting. He tested it along with one of the very early Westley Richards Martini actions with full length wood - wierd looking thing I'd like to own! He found the Scheutzen powder was the powder that would regulate both and intended to try it in his double guns to see if it would regulate in them too. He noted it didn't burn 'moist' like the C&H #6 was supposed to burn. Prior to this, he'd had to use 20% more GOEX than the regulation load to even get close and some cases wouldn't hold the needed extra charge. Just had a thought it might have been a double gun journal. |