Quote: I see the same illustration and text in a 1910 Burgsmüller catalog. Your translation from german is correct. This bullet may have been intended for rifled barrels (gauge or Lancaster cartridges) but could also be used in smoothbore shotgun barrels. Paradox rifling was OK, but no choked muzzles. Straight rifling is sometimes seen in muzzleloaders: I do not know the real purpose for this, one speculation is to ease loading of fouled barrels. I have an article somewhere about Husqvarna breech action cape guns - the shotgun barrel was also available with straight rifling. About ballistics of gauge or Lancaster cartridges: muzzle velocity must have been around 300 m/s. In a book from 1877 (Zimmer, Die Jagd-Feuergewehre) it is recommended to sight in rifles at the distance of 60 meters, regardless if muzzleloader or breech action. Fuhrmann |