SO this is the story--in the September 2007 issue of Sports Afield magazine there is an article on Traveling to foreign countries --is also has a side bar in stating what travelers have to do when visiting or traveling through the US..I am going to attempt to type the article for your review-- US Gun Import Rules Most American hunters have no idea what foreign hunters who come here to hunt have to do in order to bring their own rifles. According to the ATF Website, the relevant documents is the ATF Form 6N1A, which must be filled out in duplicate aned submitted to the ATF at least SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS before the scheduled travel. If approved, the ATF issues a permit which the hunter must have with him upon arrival at the border. The foreign hunter will also have to show a copy of a valid hunting license from a US State or evidence that he will be attending a showing event or hunting trade show. MORE ONEROUS ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR HUNTERS ATTEMPTING TO TRAVEL THROUGH THE USA WITH A FIREARM TO HUNT IN ANOTHER COUNTRY.--FOR EXAMPLE A CANADIAN FLYING FROM MONTREAL TO NEW YORK TO JOHANNESBURG. EVEN IF HE CHECKS HIS RIFLE THROUGH TO JOHANNESBURG, A DSP-61 TEMPORARY IMPORT LICENSE IS REQUIRED FOR THE US LEG OF THE JOURNEY, AND THIS LICENSE CAN ONLY BE APPLIED FOR BY SOMEONE REGISTERED AS AN EXPORTER WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT. THIS REQUIREMENT MAKES IT EXTREMELY DIFFICULT FOR FOREIGN HUNTERS TO TRANSIT THE USA WITH FIREARMS. This is what was written in the sidebar article..while I can not attest to the accuracy, they are usually accurate in their articles.. I would definitely get on the ATF web site and check this out and possibly reach someone who could confirm and possibly assist in your travels. Let me know if you want me to help in any way and I will see what I can do--I plan to call my booking agent here in the US to see what he has to say about all of this.. Hope this helps- Thx Ripp |